The ONLY Anti-Genocide 2024 Candidate Needs YOUR Help Getting On The Ballot

As many of you are aware of the fact that by each successive empire they tend to rule for a shorter and shorter time, back in times empires lasted for a few hundred years till the US took over after the brits which lasted for under three hundred years now after 80 years of dominance we can see the decline of Babylon the Great so any lofty goals of full spectrum dominance well its an old idea its nothing new, all previous empires with the means they had at hand at their time they had their version of full spectrum dominance too, nothing last forever because America failed God too with all the genocide and spreading of wickedness they are behind, so God is about to have them replaced with someone else, its how it works, it will end specially un usual with Babylon the Great because as we were told, Rome will go on to what we are at till the time for its final fall as told to us, most of the American people are aware of it too nothing out of the ordinary here, what my dear readers should do is to support Jill Stein because she is one honorable lady, you dont find many of those running for office, so do what you can to support her, you can be useful for your people and your country in this way, you wanna do something good, here you have it.
