Tim Pool TONGUE BATHES Trump To His Face | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Some of the guys I have followed for years who have been consistent kept it real are Kyle Kulinski Glenn Greenwalt Max Blumenthal Aaron Mate Lee Camp Jimmy Dore and a few others dont bust my balls if I forgot to mention you, these people are no nonsense guys, I hope people tune into them more because they have unshaken integrity you cant buy these people off and their spouses are just as good what a killer team.
I have some advice to people of influence people with money, I have said this before, nothing earthly you own is actually yours, you dont own anything, nothing belongs to you, what has happened is the Creator giving you that privilege to safekeep what you think is yours to see what you do with it, will you be cheatable sharing some of your wealth and what this report by Kyle is raising your VOICE which is part of the privileges that came with the wealth you were given, God states its actually a great test and if you fail you have failed miserably and will pay many times over later on, He also went on to state, if you fail Him He will only grant you more of what you thought belonged to you He will also prolong your lives, just so that you can build up upon your sins, so if I were you I would have think more than twice knowing what you know now, or you can say you dont believe in any of this mumbo jumbo keep on with whatever you are doing and find out later who was right on this with what I just informed you of, listen anyone who hasnt gone lost his or her mind completely can see the Zionists are the worst creates amongst others like them the morally corrupt hypocrites which there are of those I constantly talk about on this damn blog, if you share my views I would like for you to support these guys above Russell Brand is cool too, anyways dont be a afraid you celebs, say something do something just dont sit there being of no good use, and if you work at one of these three letter agencies anywhere around the world reading this, your support is very much needed too, we need as many of you on our side as possible, dont follow orders which goes against your humanity, thank you.
