Who Is God Now?

I have a challenge for my Christian friends, look up when the term Judeo Christian when used first time, it wasnt that long time ago, around 100 years ago, its a new term, now the challenge is for you to who invented and popularized it, one reason it has never been used by either Jews or Christians is because even up till today the Jews dont see it that way, the Jews do not see Christianity an extension of what they believe, in fact they oppose this strongly, the Jews believe in the oneness of God while the Christians believe in three gods in one god, the Jews also oppose the Christian Bible they rightly so claim the Christians in their New Testament misrepresent the Tanakh with deliberately changing how events went about changed words and sentences, the Jews are very upset about it, they dont care much about what the Christians say about Jesus what they are angry about the writers of the New Testament which we dont know who they were also changed what is written in the Tanakh, what I am telling yous is, if you want to associate with another religion or another culture or whatever it is, the other party you claim to be associated with has to agree on this connection which I just explained the Jews do not, they are distancing themselves from even using this term of Judeo Christian whatever, I mean it would be foolish I would look dumb if I said I am half Swahili half whatever, when I am not, the Africans would say this nigga is crazy whats he talking about, one other reason why this term is an invention a recent one is because the Christians of hundred years ago and before that they also hated the Jews and didnt want anything to do with them in fact they killed them all over the place, but after the establishment of this Zionist movement thats when this tem were started being used, people dont know these things because they are not interested to learn, what they have been spoon fed for such a long time was baloney, I myself grew up in a Shia upbringing, when I discovered its all right out BS the core of their beliefs when my coin dropped I began to see the lies the BS for what it is, the reason being is because I have an interest to learn more, I am not a plant I dont want to get stock in one place as if there are not more to take in, but this is not about me, this is me challenging my Christian friends to have an interest in your own history, dont get stock in one place either, look around you might learn something more and dont be afraid to come in terms with you have been lied to, dont be afraid of that, a little bit anger is good for you, nobody likes to be lied to, I know it offends ones intelligence but welcome to the world for the first time, just shake it off and carry on like a true soldier with a smile on your face :)  
