Why Doesn’t Israel Have REAL Enemies?

Cj is telling the truth, its not the whole truth, I dont know if he is fully aware of 100% everything that went on but he is basically on point here, what people need to get through their thick skulls which people have issues with because people are tribal this limit them to focus out and look at the bigger picture and as long as people limit themselves the corrupt criminal rules take advantage of the masses therefore we have not been able to change anything for the better in fact as you all are seeing things are turning for the worse, so we are to blame because people are tribal, God said this too, we only follow our forefathers ways and their cultures our individual tribes, what I want to draw your attention to is the fact that all these competing groups are all criminals they are corrupt, look it as corporations looking after their own greedy interests using any means to inflate their own value on the global market with any lies and deceptions they can muster to get followers for their brand, its never ideological as many have been made to believe, if you are smart enough to get that through our head then you can be useful which I doubt most will and thats why we havent got anywhere, not so smart people find a sense of belonging and security with their own tribe but I want to let you know the world have changed, its not like in the old times where your corrupt tribe leaders kept things in relative calm while as today they were only enriching themselves, things have scaled up alot, these same tribal leaders are fewer in numbers while more powerful got more greedy because they have grown to nation like levels with huge interests to look after, so the rich get richer while inflation has got out of proportion, so dont think for a moment they are true believers as religious as they claim, you cant be religious in this day of age if you want to remain faithful to God and His commandments, listen friends let me ask you what is the absolute main problem around the world and what is what God warned us to stay away from or we will get ourselves in the deep shit frankly we are in now ? it is the issue of usury of course, main problem there is, and with usury comes speculation market, which all governments all of them are embracing like the worst of it is crypto, its their latest invention to fuck up the whole world, it has moved beyond just usury, God stated if you get involved with usury you have declared WAR on Him, its not just that He wont like you support your efforts He said you declared WAR on Him, this means again if you claim to be a believer that all your dear leaders are in direct conflict with God and taken the side of Satan Eblis, what do you think the outcome of this will be even if He doesnt do anything directly just observing it all from the background, the answer is clear, just look around you what this practice have caused, this is even if He doesnt react to what is happening, dont you then think we need to change course completely, another question I must ask you is, dont you think all your deal leaders have done despicable unholy decisions, of course they have, was it all necessary for them to take those actions, if you are dumb and naive you would say yes, they had no choice, my next question is, do you really think God will leave you with no other choice than do unholy things or will He always leave a door open to do the right thing, of course He will, do we have exemples of rulers who were exemplary in the past or were they all up to no good, sure we had, Prophet King Salomon his father there are people who always did the right thing, well not if you trust the Tanakh of the Jews, according to their texts all these men of God were least said a little bit crazy and I am being very respectful, according to their texts Prophet Lot had sex with his daughters you can believe that if you didnt know better thats up to you, there are other things to mention about what has been written about those next to perfect human beings, what I am saying is your dear leaders dosent come anywhere close to real good leaders, and as we know they were blessed by God and their people prospered because they followed some simple guidelines, but you go ahead and worship your dear leaders because you are just as dumb as they are so dont blame for your situation, you made your bed now you have to enjoy it and I am certain you will enjoy more of what your made with what they have in plans for you, but you are clever you think you have figured it all out already, what is about to come wont affect you, because you are just so clever, for the others I say dont take part in their games. 
