يحمل رأسا حربيا بوزن 150 كيلوغراما.. جماعة الحوثي تعرض للمرة الأولى لقطا...

You could have scared the poor seagulls off with a couple of rifle shots before you went alahoakbar on that ship with full force, that was unnecessary, what is unnecessary also why do you have to say curse to all the Jews, why do you have to be this primitive this backward this unislamic by cursing all the Jews I dont get why after all this time none of your idiotic religious scholars none of your leaders no one to be found to correct your mistakes in this matter goes to show you are far from the right path, you are just fighting because you know nothing else thats why you do what you do not because you know any better because if you knew better you would know there are tons of good Jews actually resisting fighting the Zionist movement and when you insult all Jews you havent taken in account you are also insulting them too you fools, this is why I say you fight because you know nothing else but to fight, you think Prophet Mohammad would have insulted all Jews like you do, this proves my point, that you are all addicted to this drug kat you chew all day long which has affected your minds to a large degree, anyways keep up the good job blowing up stuff, that part is good tv.
