2024 Iranian presidential election: Vote Counting Underway

All I have to say about this, if lets say 50% more or less of the Iranian people do participate in these sham (selections) then they do deserve the living conditions they have imposed on themselves with these corrupt molla cult followers, I dont feel bad for them to be honest with at least 50% of them being this dumb, the Iranian population is like someone living with an abusive spouse who keeps abusing them all day everyday and wont come to their senses and just walk away and leave this abusive relationship, after a while you just say, fine you like to get abused like that then go ahead I dont care anymore, damn these people are primitive, they dont seems to understand there is no hope living with these corrupt people because it all comes down to corruption, I'll tell you how the Iranian people are at least those in Iran, I am not saying all Iranians are like those living in Iran because the best of the Iranians have already left that hellhole, but for those still living there they are really shitty people I can tell you, sure they complain here and there but if you invited them into the mollas circles to share a piece of the cake basically every single one of them would have betrayed and joined in, this is how they are, I say this because I know this, I am not just saying this out of anger, this is how they are, very little honor or dignity to speak of so of course God keeps having it their way so they shouldnt complain they deserve the corrupt system they have, the smart thing to do is to boycott the molla system all together, I just yesterday mentioned about the gas attack by molla loyalist on fifty girl schools all over Iran, I am sure the Supreme Whore of Iran promised to investigate and bring those behind that gas attack to justice, and he did so only after pressure, for weeks he didnt even mention any of it it but was forced to at least acknowledge gas attack, but did you hear anything after, of course not, this is because those behind that gas attack was his own people, the mollas gassed the girls, the fact that women of Iran in any capacity participate in these sham selections goes to show how backward primitive idiots they are with no dignity, they are all prostitutes of the mollas if you ask me, shame on them all, they are killing your own girls and you still give legitimacy to these rats, these mollas are many times worse than the worst Zionist, at least the Zionists dont gas their own girls, this is how bad the mollas are, this is how bad at least 50% of the Iranians inside Iran are, I say it again, who cares under what conditions they live under, and for the other 50% at least 25% of them would also kiss the Ring of Evil if they were offered to take part in the corruption if they could gain something from it they would do it, look I say this because I know these people better than any of you and if you disagree with me I dont care what you think, I do know better, I have lived it I have seen it I have experienced it and this is my verdict on the matter, what you preferably want is a kind of people who wouldnt kiss the Ring of Evil say no to corruption because who would want to disgrace oneself by accepting cancer in their own body only a fool would do that and as you can see there is no shortage of fools over there so if thats the life they want fine let them have it, one can only try to talk them out of it more cannot be done.
Do NOT take part in these sham selections ! have dignity self respect tell them all to go to Hell where they are heading at anyway there is no shortage of space there for shortsighted people, again its your life you do what you want with it.
