Anti-Zionist Jew TAKES ON Debbie Wasserman Schultz: NO MORE MONEY for Is...

I have been saying this before I'll keep saying it now and in the future too, I deem these anti Zionist Jews on our side as many times over many many times more effective anti Zionists than lets say the mollas or the Houthis ever could be, in fact I dont see the Molla Movement even being effective anti Zionists, I see them fighting for their own molla shia cause, its not even something religious about it, the Molla Movement is a criminal enterprise thats all to it thats what they are, if you ask me I'll say they are very harmful for Islam and anything that has to do with it, they are a separate cult fighting to stay in power to loot everything around them again for selfish reasons, so in my view the global Molla Movement is just as bad as the Zionist one, in fact they are so bad if you asked me what tyrannical rule would I have prefered living under if I had no choice I would have placed the Molla Movement as the absolute bottom on that list, they are that bad, to be honest if they hadent claimed to be this moral good Islamic rulers I would have placed them higher on my ranking of assholes but because they are such hypocrites I'll place them next to ISIL on that list, the good news is, with life there is still hope, there is still much hope around to pick and chose from, so everything is not lost, thanks to God, I'll say just because we have this Molla Movement fighting another corrupt regime in form of the Zionist one we are not forced to pick one side over the other, we can have our own thing going, again God always keep one door open for us to choose from, the point I am making is this, as I said, I suggest to all anti Zionists to stand their own ground, not take one of these tyrants over the other, if we went our own way fully criticizing all these corrupt tyrannical cults I am absolutely sure our own movement would have grown much more influential much larger than any of these corrupt regimes could have imagined, we do have this opportunity for once we have the numbers to do exactly that, and again I deem these anti Zionist Jews as a much more powerful force than the idiot Houthis or any of these cults ever could be in order to defeat the Zionists, you see the Houthis can fire missiles as much as they want, let me ask you have this deterred the Zionists who sits on all the money in the world to withdraw their support for the Zionist entity, no it hasent and it will never do, so what good are the Houthis doing not much if you ask me, its good tv though thats all it is to what they do other than that they havent achieved anything really and will never do, the Houthis are a primitive backward and destructive group in my view, I mean they dont even have this little much brains not to stop cursing the Jews, all the Jews, this is clear indication how actually primitive they are, and trust me with being primitive you first of all will never have the favors of God let alone anyone else, so they will keep being a freng tiny groups surrounded by other people who hates them, they are in fact isolated and will remain so, because if no one likes you how far do you think you can go, not far if you ask me, so that is that with the Houthis, the mollas of Iran well at least 85% of their own population hates them to death, and if you think the mollas will last for much longer you are fooling yourself, so thats another breed this with the mollas of Iran and when it comes to Iraq I believe in time the Iraqis will go back to being united again, not like now, so you see these phony anti Zionist cults I mentioned they live on borrowed time this is absolutely true, I look in the future and I say why not gather around something much more lasting instead starting from today and build for a better future with none of these corrupt cults around, this we can do if we do not take the side and criticize all these opposing regimes equally, if we do that this will weaken both these all these regimes much faster and to whos benefit is that, to the good people the tolerant sensible people who opposes all kinds of corruption, look friends corruption is worse than cancer, at least with cancer you have a few percentage of survival, corruption always leads to its own fall, so why aid them to keep them around for even one day longer than they deserve, there are no good reason for that I say, they are not worthy to keep around for one extra day, so be smarter do your own thing never cover for any of these corrupt criminal cults because this is the future we have to build on because otherwise what the point of all this, to hand over power from one corrupt entity to another, you know thats not a good idea or I hope you do, accepting corruption for any reason is a dumb notion if you do that you are dumb as the dumbest out there, we need something new no compromises not for the future at least I look forward to, I say hell with them all, all of them, we can do better in fact anything is better than them but we strive for even better than this better, we must raise our standards to the peaks of the heavens jump as high we can and see where it will lead us, aim for the absolute top because otherwise we dont know the limits of our potential you have to think like a sports person, you know when a warrior goes to war, he doesnt go there to get killed,, he goes there to defeat the enemy and return home in one piece he goes to war to win, we have to think like winners, we have to win we have no other choice than trying out best, this is the way of a warrior and I hope you find the warrior in you.
