Col. Lawrence Wilkerson : Turkey to Leave NATO and Join …

I am no Hezbola fan I dont like anything about them except that they are fighting the Zionist entity, this they do to get legitimacy amongst those who wouldnt care about anything anyone as long as someone fights the Zionist entity, me on the other hand I share another philosophy on this complicated matter, but I can say this much, if the Zionist entity attacks Hezbola try with a massive ground offencive to occupy Lebanon I think tens of thousands of if not more others from neighboring countries trained soldiers pouring in defence of Hezbola and if the US officially goes in to defend the Zionist entity by not only attacking these troops but their supply routes in other countries in other countries lets say like Iran then it doesnt take a genius to see the war has spread to the Persian Gulf with Iran with Iraq then other countries will support these countries and not long after you have a absolute massive war you cant predicts how its gonna end, for one thing the world economy that you can kiss bye bye and so many other things, I think this will be the outcome if the US goes in officially to support the Zionist entity, I say if the Zionist entity wants a war with Hezbola let them have it, but on their own no one else gets directly involved, its like two aggressive crazies if they insist on fighting then let them fight it out lets see who will come out alive, otherwise you will drag the whole world into something you will regret, and why for Shaytanyaboo and the crazy Israeli Zionists, they wanna take on Hezbola let then have it, it will be good television.
