EXPOSED: Israel Funneled MILLIONS Into Buying Off Congress and Elite US ...

AIPAC is a foreign agent feeling so emboldened to order elected people and generally people in power around like ragdolls as if they were in charge of everything and its true, they are in charge of those who sold their souls their country their whole identity to this Zionist globalist NWO entity, it doesnt go a day where you dont hear how AIPAC corrupt the political system not only in the US but all over the world because at the end of the day it all comes down to money and those corrupt people willing to kiss the Ring of Evil, not many will refuse to kiss the Ring of Evil when they are offered, and look the Ring of Evil is just as active with this organization or any other opposing system, except for you I hope, and there are a lot of yous out there, as I have talked about before, wherever you allow corruption you have opened the door for Evil to sneak in and offer you more of what does not belong to it, and tell me where is corruption not active not welcomed not many places, this should tell you what I am trying to prove, Evil is everywhere but it doesnt have to be this way, its just as easy to reject it to ignore it, yes you can ignore it, it doesnt have power over you unless you invite it, this is because we have guardian angels who protects you from what you dont see with your eyes, this is not mumbo jumbo fantasy imaginary nonsense, its all true, the Creator didnt give everything Evil asked for, its limited to just certain things, so the playing field is more even, so you can chose not to go along with corruption and do just fine in fact do better because corruption is worse than cancer, it only takes while give nothing back, this is why the whole world is turned upside down by those we allowed to represent us and as you see not many as such professionals as AIPAC when it comes to be corruption and corrupting people, top of the line, the best of the worst.  
