Extreme heat kills more than 1,300 during Hajj pilgrimage

I am so happy for these guys I truly am, you see many Muslim cult leaders regard anyone of their own followers passing away for any reason regarding them as "martyrs" a cult follower driving his car on his way to work getting a heart attack he is a "martyr" another guy passing away in his sleep he is a "martyr" too another guy passing while making love to his fat wife he becomes a "martyr" too, you get the point, thats how ridiculous these cult members have become its like the term antisemitism it has lost its meaning, all this is true what is also true in my view are these good people on duty to pay respects to the word of God on their pilgrimage to Mecca and Madina passing I call these the real martyrs, this is what I cal being honorable but as God have stated, dont be too sure He will accept nether your prayers nor your pilgrimage if your intentions are misplaced which I hope is not the case with any of these people here so may God accept their efforts and grant them Paradise Inshallah, thats what I say on the matter, so if they passed away well good for them the more the better. 
