Five Reasons Why Hezbollah Will End Israel [CIA Analyst]

What CJ seems to have trouble admitting or get through his stubborn head is the fact that, yes I agree Assad is no saint, I agree on that, he is a dictator, he handled many aspects in a wrong way that gave reason to the uprising but thats not the whole case here, there are many other things behind why the Sunni Syrians rose up against his tyrannical rule, one major reason are outside powers, both from Wahabi Arabia and Zionist Israel, I unlike CJ argue if these two forces would have God forbid managed to take over Syria things would have looked much different right now with regards to the Palestinians and how Israel would have treated them if Syria would have fallen in their hands and weakened Lebanon and Hezbola, I am NO fan of Assad Hezbola nor the mollas of Iran, religiously politically you name it I would rather have all these crazies from those I mentioned from Assad the mollas of Iran Hezbola the Wahabis the Zionists all of them just disappear as if they never existed, but we do not live in a perfect world, CJ is contradicting his own beliefs here, lets say if Assad would have fallen so would Hezbola which CJ now seems to cheer on, you see on many subjects CJ doesnt seems to know where he wants take things and how, I believe the way things went in Syria had to go the way it went with the fall of the Wahabis because we know they would have massacred every soul not fully sharing their backward beliefs while they took aid from the Zionist regime of Israel, so having them defeated was a good thing, not optimal, what would have been optimal is not having any of these dictators and cults around but we are not there yet and if CJ and those who dont get their minds in the right place that glorious future will be kept at distance for a long time to come, we have to change our mindsets to get there, the truth is the way the whole truth and nothing but it, now go discover this truth because you havent found it yet !!!
