Iran to hold runoff election with reformist Pezeshkian and hard-liner Ja...

So much for legitimacy, only 40% participation, in next round its gonna be less people taking part, in the calculations I presented earlier today I showed you the percentage of the regime supporters voting, its around 10 million mark for the phony conservatives, its always these ten millions who show up at the pro government rallies, this ten million they get divided sent to different cities in a couple millions each that way it looks good on tv, people think the regime have a massive amount of supporters, as I have explained all the government jobs is for these regime supporters and it comes with conditions, they have to leave their jobs and show up at these demonstrations the regime holds now and then, if they dont they lose their job, and these government jobs are no show jobs, every Iranian knows that, because when you go to these government agencies, these idiots are so lazy they dont work as they should because they have no fear of getting fired, I'll give you an exemple, to apply for a national ID, you wont believe when I say it take 8 months to get it sent to you, something that shouldnt take more than two weeks at most, oits eight months in Iran, the reason for this is, they put aside your application and when they feel like it they take a look at it then put it down again just like that, I had a connection in the government a man who liked me (for a change) the rest like the IRGC assholes they hate my guts, thats another story, but this guy liked me so he sent me to this other guy at one of the government agencies and told me to tell them this guy sent me, and I swear something that supposed to take eight months took I think less than one week or perhaps it was less than ten days I dont remember, so the thing is, if they want to get something done its a phone call away, but although I could get along with the IRGC guys I just couldnt, the arrogant they displayed how they could get things done for me, like I dont you once, I had a meeting with them, at that meeting this guy a flashy guy in a suit and nice hair and everything came to see me, all at the meeting rose and bowed at him like their Supreme Leader came over for visit, I am not kidding it was surreal with these people, like the president came over it was like that, we talked and the display of arrogance I saw by him how he thought he was the king of town or something the displeasure was building up in me for every minute passing by, then he said something unscientific claiming something stupid and I couldnt keep my mouth shut and I just had to correct him, of course the old haji he was he didnt like to be corrected, we made his case on the matter and I just had to disagree till someone around the table basically told me to keep it down and the nice guy I am I did, the only thing missing was me hitting him right in the head with the ashtray but I kept my poseur my calm my cool my Sonny all of it and the subject got changed, lucky him, after that he disliked me heavily so much so that whe the haji rose up to greet everyone goodby he didnt do so with me, the bastard didnt even show courtesy looking at me before his ass left the building, but before that we were all cool the mood was good before he made a fool of himself, the reason I agreed to the meeting to begin with I needed help with something, I wanted to build a big boat over there I had everything covered but I didnt want to go through all the bureaucracy with paperworks and all that crap, and the only people who could help me with all that because I just told you, applying to get a national ID card takes eight damn months over there so you can only imagine the paperwork for a baby ship to be built, I would guess ten years for a layman, but I am no ordinary dude, I am His Royaldudness Sonny Salvador I dont want to wait a lifetime for papers and again the only ones who could arrange everything I needed was these guys, and they knew it, so when this haji pooped up at the meeting to see me, they other guys had already informed him that His Royaldudeness is coming by, as I said we were cool and things were going well so much so that, and thats the thing about these people, they just have to show everyone in the room of the kind of authority they have in the System to all by being the most arrogant asshole in the room, asshole not in a rude manner, asshole in a civilized manner in a funny way still an asshole, the haji turned to the owner of that establishment and said "get this guy everything he needs" and the other guy said, yes sir i make the necessary phone calls, so I was covered but as I said the dislike for him in my was building up till I couldnt keep my mouth shut and had to correct his ass on that scientific matter which he changed his mind and the rest is history, I dont regret it a bit, the truth is because he was an asshole I also had to criticize the whole regime on how unislamic they were and that sure sealed the case for me there, no turning back I burned the bridge with a couple of nuclear bombs right there and again I am fine with it, fuck it, I am my own man I dont need them I am Sonny Salvador damn it, what I am saying here is, thats how Iran works, I have been there I know what I am talking about, and I dont like it, its corrupt as fuck, pardon my French but it is, it shouldnt be that way it only benefits those who are willing to kiss the Ring of Evil, I am NOT kissing any damn ring of anyone, I rather starve to death die a poor man get hit by a train I would do anything for love but I wont do that, anyways thats how a brother roll.
