Iranians head to polls to elect Ebrahim Raisi’s successor

Sure there are many Persian speaking media outlets outside Iran which encourage their viewers not to take part in the sham elections of the mollas, and all of them have their own reasons, unlike all these anti molla outlets I dont want their backers to when the time for the mollas are up for them to take over Iran and making a puppet state of theirs, I want Iran like any other countries out there to be fully independent run by their own from inside their countries and not be beholden to foreign entities, thats puts me apart from the rest I would say, and this guy in the clip you see, he is one of the I would say only 10% of the regime followers while 85% of the Iranian people would very much like to see the mollas gone the 15% left I would argue if they were fully honest another 5% of the regime supporters would join the other 85% making it something more like 90%, I dont think there is another country where 90 %of their population despises the ruling regime over them, name me another country even close to those figures, this is how hated the mollas are, and I would also argue that their time will come to an end, but before this happens with everything else happening around the world and in the Middle East so timely from different directions we are or I should say they are heading to a war which I think there wont be any clear winners in other words I dont see the Zionist entity wiping out neither the mollas proxies not will the Synagog of Satan be defeated, it doesnt mean things will go back to how things are right now either, other things will happen which will decide the outcome of things, so for now I dont think we should worry ourselves much at least those who see things my way if you are on either of these side you should be very worried indeed, because these two will go to war and if you take part on either side like living at those places like in the Zionist entity your life will change forever same thing on the molla side, the only difference is the citizens which live under the rule of the mollas they are already at the bottom they already are familiar with hardships so they will do a little bit better than those at the Zionist entity will do because those under the shia mollas in Iran in Iraq in Syria in Lebanon they have a much larger landmass they can get around and move things at, the Zionist entity have boxed itself in a tiny place with only the sea route and air as their way of getting supplies in and this will be cause to target by their enemies so things will look much different and much more expensive for those who chose to stay put in the Zionist entity, the Zionist entity is as I have explained a military outpost, a military outpost doesnt have the luxury to have an endless of supply routes but a few in the case of the Zionist entity the sea and the air but again its dangerous it will be costly, I end it with what I have said before, get the hell out of that area as soon as you can and dont look back till the war is over and it will take a couple of years I dont think it will end sooner I think it will drag on for a couple of years look at Gaza over six months already, the war with the mollas proxies what I think they will do is to try to invade the Zionist entity, there will be a battle for each house on the ground it will get bloody thats for sure, the best for those with a clear mind on both sides is not to take part in this mess, let these crazies these extremists battle it out and see what happens thereafter. 
