Jewish Women FREAKS OUT At Orthodox Jews!

Yeah she really looks like she is from the Middle East, the amount of brainwashing the amount of lack of sense I mean I dont know do they see a Middle Eastern person when they look at themselves in the mirror is that what they see is something wrong with their eyes or heads or both, I think there is a third thing which is wrong with them, their dark hearts, because lets say you have problems with your eyes and something wrong with your mind too, many people have physiological problems but they dont move to another neighborhood and want to kill everyone including children there but these people seems to live of death of others and they are cheered on by the mainstream media and politicians not only that now you have Arab leaders on their side too, look I am NOT against the Ashkenazis at all, not at all, some of our best guys are Ashkenazis but you are NOT Jews, you cant even explain to anyone let alone yourselves what the definition of being Jews is, is t a race or a religion, for me its a race, from the tribe of Judah, but if you are an Ashkenazi want to change the term to be religious, I guess I have no problem with that either, but if you say you are from the tribe of Judah when you are not and at the same time come and say while you are from Ukraine Russia Poland these places come down to the Holy Land in the Middle East and say that land is now yours because of racial reasons then we have a problem, but if as an Ashkenazi if you are nice and polite and a good neighbor and dont want to steal other peoples lands and kill its people then sure why not you have live in the Holy Land too, like a citizen like in any other country when people move around but we have to secure the borders because we have illegals coming in from Polish Russian Ukrainian whatever mental institutions the crime is all time high in which no one have ever seen before taking over the whole country, I say lets do a wall to close off the borders and make Europe pay for it because its not like they have their best people moving in but their worse like their criminals their rapists and some I guess are good guys thats whats going on, I think if Trump doesnt get elected he should run for president in Palestine and kick out all the illegal aliens, I would have voted for him wouldnt you, the invitation is open ! because I think we need the Middle Eastern branch of MAGA, ME MAGA baby right where these people are needed the most, the capitol is all for the taking there man lets do it, this time it sure hell will succeed Humus and the Hezbs they have everything from RPGs all the heavy duty ordinances you need for all trigger happy restless crazies, we need a bullhorn too I think, I heard Alex Jones is also out of work we could need him too, somebody need to beat the war drums, if he is onboard then I can take a vacation do a little bit of sailing somewhere taking a rest form this shit, what I am saying is all this is doable over there, worth considering actually ! 
