Latest : Voting under way in Iran’s snap presidential election

If you knew anything about Islam and what clearly has been prescribed you would know this term "'Islamic" republic is a n oxymoron, there is no such thing as republic in Islam, its sacrilege its unislamic, we never in history had anything of this until recently, Islam is no democracy and its certainty no republic and I will tell you why this Shia criminal cult made one, in Islam we have just one leader and this leader have advisers, Islam is run like a cooperation meaning, you have a leader and if anything goes wrong he alone and only he is to blame, what the people do after that is left up to them, what this Shia cult wanted was having the cake and eat it, meaning they will have a leader who cannot be blamed if something goes wrong, because he will blame it on the (selected) "elected" official his subjects voted for, this is absolutely insane, this is why you are in the mess you are because you have been purposefully confused, an islamic republic is the worst system there is many times worse than liberal democracies, because at least in a democracy you have some choices, it has its many flaws but at least you dont have a supreme dictator who can get away when everything goes wrong, this is why God gave you these guidelines how to establish a fair system, Islam as I said is run like a cooperation, you have one chosen leader, and the buck stops with him, if he mess up usually he get assassinated which I believe should be written and signed by any chosen leader to accept this fate, because of the massive responsibility he bears, if you mess up get ready to lose your life otherwise stay away from seeking leadership, if you do right by your people the result will be the opposite of getting murdered, they will love you for it instead, but leaders like Irans Supreme Whore they want only the good stuff and what are those good stuff ?? to enrich his own family and those around him, this is what you got right now and if you accept it then you have accepted the wrath of God too, you made the choice how you have to deal with all it has to offer you fools, this is why I really myself do not care anymore, you are feeding them with not resisting to the best of your abilities to use your intellect then I am sorry, each on its own then and good luck I say keep sleepwalking to another 45 years of these cult followers who claim they are believers but the dumbest most uneducated brainwashed and yes primitive fools there are right now, the way is back to true Islam and I have explained to you where to start, do it right and you will see positive changes you would only see in your best dreams continue this way and you get what you get, its simple as that.
