Middle East Preparing For An "All-Out" War, Militant Leader Warns

The Zionist regimes cult followers do not understand what will follow and what they have caused already by now with the hatred they carry in their dark hearts towards everyone except for themselves, you all know how they feel about even those whom they say are their allies, the Christian Zionists, in their theology they believe even their allies must become their slaves, the Zionist Christians believe something similar, its not better or worse, they believe the Zionist Jews either convert to their way or get wiped out, what a strange friendship between these two, and keep in mind this they both believe about those whom they feel as their closest friends, and I dont have to remind you what both of these two believe about those whom they do not feel any closeness to, meaning the rest of us, and the fate of the world is not in the hands of these two crazies, before I continue I also want to say this, and I am NOT kissing ass here, but it need to be said because I have experienced some things that I have to share or mention again, I am a very big fan of the American people, if I could rank peoples which I have interacted with I would place rank the Americans the Sweded the Portuguese and the Filipinos on the same first place, I do like the Filipinos but their corrupt government authorities and those working there as some of the worst there is, but the civilian Filipinos are very nice people, but now I am concentrating on the Americans, basically every American I met and interacted with and most of them were Evangelicals even though they knew of my beliefs and my background they were polite civilized kind helpful generally very good people, same thing with the Swedes with respect to the Swedes I am mainly talking about those who have not got their minds brainwashed by the dark forces in charge of this country, the everyday Swedes are very good people except those other assholes, may they rot in Hell all of them, but generally these people I mentioned are good people, the absolute worst people I have met are actually the Iranian people and I am not kidding here, and my experience the more religious they are the bigger pricks they are the worst they get I am sorry to say but thats my experience, sure I have met just one or two good religious Iranians too, but you can count them on just one hand other than that I would say the Iranians are ranked the worst people I have met in my life, sharing top ranking on the worst people in the world, the thing is I have told them, I have said to them, I have sailed around the world met all kinds of people and you are the worst I have ever met, and you know what, most of them agree with me immediately and some others think for a moment and nod and say i suppose so we are a shitty people, and it takes a lot of honesty for one to admit they are shitty people because most of the people of the world see themselves as the chosen ones as if the world revolve around them and their culture but at least most of the Iranians do admit they are shitty, so I have to give them some credit for being honest that way not many others are this honest, so perhaps there are still hope for them who knows, now back to the Zionists because as I said the fate of the world seems to be in their hands and where they will drag the rest of us at and it seems again its not going to be somewhere pleasant because both seek to destroy it all to rebuild something after their own image, in the case of the Zionist Jews their end goal is total enslavement of all Goims which the Zionist Christians seems to also be willing to help them in their minds help themselves to achieve, personally I dont see any of these eventualities come to be, I do see a major disruption coming about, I have said this before, I dont see whats going on between Russia and Ukraine as dangerous as what is about to happen in the Middle East with these crazies, for one thing the oil supply is no direct danger with whats going on with Russia and Ukraine, it is though with what is about to happen in the Middle East, a major war there will disrupt shake the world economy to levels no one have ever seen before mainly because of how dependent we are on energy flowing in the right direction nowadays, but those like princess Miss Lindsey Grayhamm and her buddies they have it covered for them they have been promised by their dark overlords, but for those fools who voted for them you will have something else coming your way, you may think you are covered if you have some money some resources if you have stored some foods or whatever but your lives will change in ways you wished you were in hell instead, so your stock up with what you think will save you will come to be of no good use as the lives you live today, only an idiot would trade the blue skies the green fields for something much darker, but you voted for these you can follow them with your heads and your hands and find out you were wrong later on thats all I can say, good luck.
