My blood as started boiling before I have started typing a word already, this gets me pissed off even thinking about it, do you guys recall the gas attacks on girl schools all over Iran in all cities all over after these teenage girls demonstrated over the anti Islamic totalitarian laws they forced under, and what happened after that, Iran Supreme Whore promised to take care of it and prosecute those behind it but did he ? after a while they distracted you with other news and those behind it which were the mollas we all know got away with it like nothing had happened, how many of you Iranians and especially young ones have to be executed on your streets to wake up to the fact that these mollas are your mortal enemies and their supporters as well, it has nothing to to do with religion these people are not religious they are Shia cult followers, they are not followers of any prophet no Imams but Eblis Satan, just two months ago they assassinated Raisi and so many of their own over internal struggle for leadership, I URGE the Iranian Army to stand with the Iranian people in the next uprising, you have the means to defend the Iranian people with your weapons, the IRGC are the enemies of Iran, cut them down !!! get rid of them, they are murdering your youth the human devils they are, these mollas are not loyal to Iran therefore they are your enemies, they should be all sent to Hell thats what I would have done, if they cant even have mercy by gassing these girls then there is nothing more to say, the mollas and their supporters have made their choice and should face the consequences of their choice too.

