Netanyahu pledges to stick to war goals | REUTERS

WTH is Blinken saying the ball is in Hamas hand with this phony peace deal, how many times does Shaytanyaboo have to come out officially and say there is no peace deal he wants to continue the slaughter of the Palestinians, I have already given my views what the Zionist entity have in plans, they want Trump to get elected this is why they are dragging out the war so when he is in office Trump will give them more than enough arms for the Zionist entity to attack Hebola too by that drag in Iran and other countries in hope of defeating them all, in case you have been living under a rock this means WW3, it means the collapse of the world economy it means your worst nightmare will come true, look it doesnt matter who is in office in the US, with Biden you will have WW3 same thing with Trump you will have WW3 with him too, it doesnt matter what you do, you are absolutely screwed either way.
