Netanyahu says war will continue even if ceasefire deal agreed with Hamas

How many times do we have to hear from the mouth of the child of Satan Shaytanyaboo Jr that he have no intention to ceasefire contradicting Blinken and Biden, you heard Shaytanyaboo admit saying he wants the captives back then he will continue the genocide on the Palestinians again, Hamas was right not to trust Satan Jr, Shaytanyaboo, we have said it for longest time, all he wants in life is to bring about Armageddon in hope to establish the so called greater Zionist state, this little Satan,, he will be the end of all Jews in the Holy Land or most of them who followed him, if I been an Israeli I would leave that place ASAP because a major war is about to break out and as I have said I believe hundreds of thousands of fighters from all around the world will join Hezbola and other factions to fight the Zionist state, I am not sure about the outcome though but one thing is for sure, its gonna be bloody.
