Palestine Talks | In conversation with Rabbi Shapiro

I fully agree, Zionism doesnt cure but promotes anti Jewism and also anti semitism just as Shia mollaism doesnt cure Islam but promotes anti Islamic sentiments just as Sunni Wahabism and other Sunni extremist elements never cured Islam but as you have see promoted anti Islamic sentiments just as the tv Evangelicals never promoted the teachings of Jesus but the opposite same thing with all other Christian denominations only fueled anti Christian sentiments so on and so forth, so why is that, if you ask me I believe strongly its the same dark evil force behind it all, because we cannot argue reality, all these organized religions and their cult leaders look what they have been ALL up to, total corruption I eam you have to be absolute an idiot not to see they all are corrupt as Satan is, so is it too far feth to say it also look like because of their behavior that they all resemble their father Satan too. I dont think so, the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, I look at the corruption they have caused in society especially by those most close to them and I look at Satan and what he stands for and its the same image of both father and son I see, as I said the way I see it, all these cult leaders are out of the same stock its just one wears this turd on his head the other another turd with another color on his heads, they are all shitheads no matter how you look at it, sorry to say but thats how it looks like and even worse thats how it all smells like, and you know what you know why it all have come down to this, this is what this dark evil force wants, for us to abandon any faith in the Creator because this is what these turdheards have managed to cause, this they all have incommon, isnt this what all of these have caused, yes this is the case and who will benefit most of this, this dark evil force, follow the money its easy, I have said this, we are better on our own figuring things out, if we have the interest to do so, or you can just sit there despair which is a huge sin actually because it will lead to all kinds of other sins, you must not despair trust in God while you do your own work towards Him is the key, you take the first step and He will guide you towards the next steps to Him, this is how it works and this will only happen if you have the right intentions otherwise you will remain a lost soul, all you need is God no cult leaders just forget about them this is my advice to you, you are better on your own. 
