'The big story here is the low turnout figure' • FRANCE 24 English

When you do a quick math, 60% are eligible voters thats 50 million Iranians out of 85 million and 40% of 50 is 20 million, with only half of them voting for a hardliner phony conservative thats 10 million out of 85 million who hates these phony crazies ruling the Iranian people, its the figure I have been telling you all about, the regime supporters who always participate in the sham selections are the 10-15 million the other 70 million would like to see them go to Hell, but unfortunately these crazies hold on to all the weapons and with that they are terrorising everyone else and at the same time looting the country for themselves, this is Iran for you, I feel bad for these other 70 million ones who are forced to tolerate these mollas and their cult followers, and the thing is not even their own cult followers are willing to shoot demonstrators in the streets so these mollas are forced to ship in foreigners from Lebanon Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan and these places, this is all true, its all on video with these riot police who doesnt speak Persian at all most of the times Arabic, Iran is under siege. 
