The one way to stop Israel – w/ Diana Buttu

You know you will always hear the truth and nothing but the truth with Aaron Mate and Katy Helper wonderful guys, as you have been informed, the protest outside the LA synagog was not about pretesting a Jewish house of worship because who would have done that, what it was really about was the fact that this synagog among other Zionist real estate centers because thats what these synagogs are functioning as, to sell of stolen Palestinian lands to American Zionists, these synagogs macerate as houses of worship for believers but in reality they are used as not only real estate agents but also to collect votes money to lobby for another nations means to go and kill and loot so it can be funneled back to be be auctioned at these synagogs for the highest bidder, thats their function not to worship God, the function as the opposite of that, its where thieves gather to divide the booty amongst themselves they have stolen from others on top of that they get tax reliefs, let me remind you what did Jesus say about this matter when he faced off with them, well you know what he said and did to these corrupt so called holymen, he said their father was Satan, among other well chosen words for the "chosen" people, now dont get surprised because this is what their Talmud teaches, that is fully kosher to steal from non Jews, its in their Talmud, look unlike other critics of other peoples religions, I dont misrepresent anything, I repeat without taking anything out of context and tell it like they are telling it themselves, same thing when I criticize some Christians, I feel I have to honor Jesus I feel I have an obligation to tell the truth about Jesus what he was how he was and I care not what anyone thinks of me because I care more about what Jesus thinks of me than anyone else, same thing about the Shias or any other sects in Islam, I feel the Shia mollas have misrepresented the blood family of Prophet Mohammad the Ahlul Bait as its called by making them into something they were not, I am not saying you everyday shias who lets say never met a molla or have nothing to do with the mollas but love the Ahlul Bait that you are a cult follower, what I am saying is, if you believe the molla version of what they were then ok you might not be a direct cult follower, but let me tell you this, in any cults the actual cult leaders the keep to themselves 99% of the time, they never meet their cult followers you never see them, so you can be considered a cult follower even if you never met any of your dear leaders (if) you follow their teachings, in this case about the Ahlul Bait, because look what the mollas have made them to be, infallible, absolute sinless, the mollas have raised them above Prophets and Messengers, because we know even Messengers and Prophets made mistakes by committing sins, prophet Moses killed a man, sure God I am sure forgave him because He have His reasons, nevertheless it was a sin a mistake, the mollas are saying their imams are even higher than Prophet Moses, among so many other rubbish they claim I am tired of them, but if you are a lover of the Ahlul Bait like if you are a lover of Jesus but dont claim nonsense about them then we are cool, so I again feel I have an obligation to say what I say and I will never stop saying these things if you dont like it its perfectly fine by me, and if you dont like me like Aaron and Katy and many other truth tellers about what is actually going on in these synagogs well too bad for you, it wont stop us from telling the truth about whats going on in this world, take it or leave it, it is what it is, we are not going to change for any of you who doesnt like to hear the facts, we would rather you took this truth and done something constructive with it, because with each man directed to the truth will guarantee you closer to your Maker and His mercy and it is His mercy I seek another than anything else and not any damn cursed corrupt cult leader.
