This is a clip where Yuval Noah Hariri is talking about how bad Bitcoin is, well watch the video yourself, I see many so called anti globalists playing this video where he say people should be distrustful of Bitcoin and trust the central banks to print as much money they need, this is in short what Hariri is saying in the clip, the thing with Hariri in the "alternative media" outlets portray him as not only pro establishment which he is but as this evil son of a bitch of the globalists which he also is, there is no two ways about it, Hariri proudly advocated for the globalist agenda like in this video so now for a simpleton you may think well we have no these two camps, on one side the Globalists whit likes of Hariri and on the other side those alternative media folks who play clips of likes of Hariri who openly say Bitcoin is bad and we should instead trust the government and the central banksters instead, if you think like a simpleton and reason like this then you are a dummy because if you knew anything about Bitcoin you also would know who or lets say what kind of people launched it too, because it was these same globalists behind Bitcoin too, its the same people folks !! if you pay attention to Hariri here in this clip, the real message here is, although he is saying Bitcoin is bad he wants you to go and invest in it, you get it ?? he and those behind this disinfo agent Hariri they know what image they have made him to be this pro establishment guy with so called bad reputation amongst the so called alternative media folks and followers, these simpletons think whatever Hariri says has to be the opposite you have to do the opposite of what he promotes, but thats not the case, they want you to invest in Bitcoin so who is better to give Bitcoin more legitimacy than this Hariri when he say you should stay away from it, this is reversed psychology folks they are pulling on simpletons, and the truth is, most of these so called alternative media personalities are working with the globalists in one form or another, look the world is governed by maffia types of people, real gangsters, many times what you see is not capitalism vs something else, or the west vs the east or this religion vs another, what is really going on is one gang in conflict with another criminal gang but on a much larger scale, one gang wears blue another red, it doesnt matter what label they use, its still a criminal gang of criminals, you think I am shitting you ? dont be a simpleton this is how things are, and what do all criminals have in common ? they seek any means to get whats not theirs, they are thieves always looking for the bigger better deal and they found electronic currency and they are all banking on it, I am telling you they are using reverend phycology on you with these people and messages, some of you wont believe me its ok you do what you do then I will keep informing people of the truth, you dont want to hear the truth its your life, on the Day of Judgment we will know where you will end up at and I know my place.

Dont get yourself involved in this crap business it wont end well !!!
