Was Paul a Conman? Powerful Interview With Rabbi Tovia Singer

I think its very important for all who believe in God to thoroughly study the other Abrahamic religions and see what they have to say, specially when they criticize your own faith or denomination or whatever and not just go with one source but as many as you can find which are somehow respected not these internet theologians which we have so many of, you should also backcheck every claim they make in their criticism of  whatever the subject is, dont just assume your dear religious leader is putting in your brain but go on to seek knowledge elsewhere too and compare these facts you came across, in the case of Paul I have come to some conclusions because this man had a big hand in creating Christianity so naturally I want to know more about him, as perhaps you know Paul fought all the followers of the Christ before him, this is no secret, he came along and claimed everyone before him were wrong and he knew best, he event fought James (Jacob) the brother of Jesus, so again with all these claims this Paul is of interest for me to learn more about him and his character, what we do know is Christianity is based on his claims and his claims contradicted who Jesus was, a rabbi ! a Jew who followed the Torah, thats who Jesus was, now this guy comes along this Paul and changed everything, naturally this should be in your interest too if you actually want to learn more, because a split happened here and a major one as you are aware, now you have two religions, Judaism which oppose everything about this new faith Christianity which again is mainly based on Pauls teachings, and how this split came to be as you know, Paul was on his way to Damascus in the desert someone came to him which Paul claimed to be Jesus and there Jesus reversed all what he had taught his close followers by telling this Paul that lets now change direction 180 degree forget about the teachings of the Torah and do something else, this is what Paul claimed and this is what this new faith Christianity is based on, this is where the split came about you all know that I am sure, so Christianity is based on what man said he saw at one time with no proof just his word which again contradicted the Torah completely which Jesus spent all his time teaching, my question here is, who was actually the one who came to Paul and said all these things, was it really Jesus or someone else, knowing the Jesus this Jewish rabbis we have read about so much I doubt highly it was Jesus it had to be someone else, I believe it was the Devil and why do I say that, well follow me here carefully I will explain. You all know why the Jews from Pauls time till today reject Jesus so much, this is because Paul claimed Jesus was God, so naturally when a Jew hear that, a Jew will shut down him brain to everything you have to say about anything when they hear someone claimed he is God, a Jew mind just doent take the conversation farther when he hears that claim, so did Jesus ever claimed he was God, not that we know, we know Jesus actually claimed he is NOT god, its in the Gospels, very clearly, but thats not enough for a Jew mind when thats written in a book because in the same collection of a book, there you have another passage where someone in this case Paul claims Jesus was God, so again a Jew mind wouldnt even open that book if lets say 99% of that book was true but in 1% its written somewhere that Jesus was also God, a Jew wouldnt go anywhere near that book, this is why Jews reject the New Testament altogether, because their brains cant take it they cant get it through their minds that a man claimed he is God in some book, so we have a major split here, then my next question is this, again follow the money right ? who would benefit from this split, was it Jesus this Jewish rabbi who spent all his time to teach from the Torah to get more people familiar with the teachings of the Torah and the right path or would someone who doesnt want people to follow the Torah laws, that question is clear to me, whomever this character is who doesnt want people to follow the Torah laws and follow some other path is has to be the enemy of Jesus because otherwise he wouldnt go against Jesus teachings and by that create this massive split from the original path of the Christ, now what this split also have created was for the Jews not to look further in who Jesus was and I dont blame the Jews too much because all the Jews of today know about Jesus comes from this book the New Testament, and in it its stated Jesus was God, what more harm have this split caused throughout history, the persecution of the Jews which led to wars and massive amount of deaths till today, so if Jesus was now God and as we know God knows best when He "came" to Paul and made all these changes all of the sudden surely God would know this would lead to no good, so the question here is, couldnt God done it in a better way spared all the wars and killings, I claim it wasnt God who came to Paul, it was the Devil, only the Devil would like to see this split Jesus never was for or anyone with good intentions but someone who would love to see all this chaos Pauls teachings would cause, so I give it to the Devil, it was a brilliant move very clever indeed which I hope he will suffer all the pains in hellfire for, but Eblis is not the only one to blame here, men are to blame too, they could have used their intellect to figure things out for themselves of what makes sense and what doesnt make sense because we have the writings of these people and we have had them for a long time like in what Paul said in his own words here 24:50, I need to listen to it and say who it sounds more like the Devil or an honest God fearing man when he is desiveful in his own words, would Jesus use these tactics Pail did in 24:50 in the video or would someone more like the Devil use those tactics, why dont you decide for yourself, in conclusion from what we know about Pauls character and his past history as a bounty hunter and the wicked self serving man he was, I bet my head the Devil chose him to do his plans to create chaos which Paul eventually did with flying colors, this is why I say I see Paul as one of the most evil most destructive men ever walked this earth, because no one have caused so much harm as he did, and I hope he is on his way to hellfire for it. 
