'YOU'RE KILLING CHILDREN': Rogan & Tim Dillon UNLOAD On Israel | The Kyl...

In defence of Hamas because the truth must be told, Hamas is NOT a terrorist organization, they have never attacked anyone outside their own land, they are defending their land, Hamas is not UnIslamic Republic of Iran where they force people especially women to do things their supreme cult running the place do or not, Hamas is not harming the fags or the lezbs let alont killing them as Bill Maher that piece of Zionist shit is saying, Hamas and the Palestinians are not Saudi Arabia either, Hamas and the Palestinians are much more practicing Muslims than the mollas in Iran are thats a 100% true, Hamas is not persecuting other people of faith like the Christians or anyone else, Hamas are actually pretty chill and liberal I must say, I rather live and hang with Hamas than the damn mollas of Iran thats for sure, so what these Zionist criminals are saying is absolutely 100% bull shit.
