Anjem Choudary: Radical preacher sentenced to life in prison

I am glad he is sent to prison, people like him should be deported back to where they came from if they think after being welcomed to someone elses countries they can make it into worst than where they came from with their Wahabi sharia bs, I say bs because its not real sharia, and for those of you friends who dont know what sharia is or where it came from I will explain it in short. There is no such thing as a sharia book where all these laws are written down, what happened is sections of the hadiths are taken out where Prophet Mohammad said this or that, but here is the thing, who knows if thats actually what he said is actually his own words, we dont know for sure but there those who believe every single word of all these books of hadiths, there are other sects within the Muslims who believe some of it and rank those saying as very credible, credible, not so credible, not credible at all, but there are sects especially the fanatic extremists who believe everything in all the hadiths as super credible, its like some Christians who believe every word of the New Testament as also more than super credible, same with the Jews, all their 600 laws they say they must follow is because they believe every word in the Tanakh is also above super credible very much like the fanatics in Islam the difference between the books of hadiths no one knows who wrote the Tanakh the Old Testament of the Jews, the books of hadiths have something in common with the tanakh and the same problem, it was written by men, both the books of hadiths and the Tanakh is more or so he said she said, so we have to take it with a grain of salt, although I have found the Tanakh a bit more credible over all, look I can give you a couple of examples from these books and you decide if its the word of God or not, in the Torah and the New Testament you have I am sure heard the story of Prophet Lot and his daughters, look if you believe thats what happened I dont know what to tell you, I dont believe it and I would go so far and say, whomever wrote that is a sick satanic individual, but the Jews and Christians believe its true, another story in the Tanakh is when God ordered everyone who opposed the Hebrews men women children and even their livestock to be murdered, again if you believe thats what God said you are a lost person, I dont believe it, I believe some sick individual added that part, so clearly the whole text in the Tanakh is not the word of God, we dont know the authors we know it was men and I will say they didnt have good intentions, but thats just me, now when it comes to the books of hadiths, we have the same infiltration there too by sick individuals because we know clearly many so called laws in the hadiths contradicts the Holy Quran and also like the Jews who basically do not teach even from the Tanakh but mainly from the Talmud the Zohar which is even more corrupted the Sunni Muslims teach mainly from the books of hadiths and they tend to pick and choose the most crazy stuff in it, and these like Anjem Choudari and alike, they are the craziest of the crazy, they have harmed Muslims and their image enormously, I dont have to say much I am sure if you watch his videos you know he is absolutely a twisted individual and extremists if he could he would wage his own phony holy war on anyone outside his extremist point of view, so I am glad he is out of the way, I need to mention this too, not that its better in any way but there is a difference between the Sunni extremists and the Shia ones, the Sunni extremists well terrorism is their go to like blowing up stuff chopping off heads well you know what I am talking about, the Shias they dont export their crap, they keep it more in house with the crazy things they do, the Shias are as dangerous but more diplomatic about their extremism, I dont know which is worse sunni extremism or shia extremism what I can say extremism harms people outside their cult or inside their cult same thing goes with any other extreme followings, if they were in majority Christian Jewish Muslim Hindu Atheists Communists you name it, because its all part of some type of extreme totalitarianism they tend go after hard on those whom they can if they could, in contrary those secure in their way they dont mind what they are being criticized about even if they are in majority and can if they could persecute the critics, those less secure they crack on hard on their critics because the fear of losing, and if you learn about Prophets and even King prophets of old, they were super tolerant and chill even when they had authority to have anyone executed for criticizing them or even directly insulting them, they laughed it off and felt pity for them and were always kind in the worst of situations, can you say this about people like Anjem Choudary and alike, he would chop your head of if he could, so I am glad he is behind bars now, this was good news, now you know more about what some mean with sharia and where it came from, noa I am not saying everything is the hadiths is nonsense, not at all, but some part of it is absolutely it is, like I read ones where said, say this five prayers a day and God will grant you Paradise, look you can believe that nonsense till the day you die, its not happening, I mean there are lot of nonsensical stuff in those books, same thing with the Shias, they have the hadiths of their imams also who knows if those Imams actually said those things, the shias believe word for word of it all of it, again not my worries, why make life complicated when you have the actual word of God in the Holy Quran, makes life so much simpler, you should read it and find out what all the fuss is about, it will be worth your time, I guarantee it :) its unlike anything else you have ever read.
