Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris for president

I had no doubt Hussain will out and endorse Kamala Harris before convention many said he wont do it till after and I said he will do it before the convention so I was right again I dont know but I must be brilliant people say and its a good thing people say that because they are right, now when it comes to winning this, well we are not there yet, the possibility of victory is there very near but certain things has to happen first, I think one of the most important things people need to come in terms with is being truthful with themselves, and that is to decide who lies and who do not lie to get to your attention, this is very important for people to have self respect, because this is before anything about self respect in the strongest meaning of the word, do you like to be lied to have your intelligence insulted and go with someone you might not like, not like because you happen to (like) the other guy more, and what is it mean with like and like more, look there are many things I like to but if we are truthful with ourselves those things are bad for our healths, so like thing something is necessary not good for your health, you might not like spinach but its good for you, its healthier for you than the other things you like but not good for you, in my case I have decided to go with the not so sugary spinach, I decided is better for me and better for you and for the sugar coater too, its good for all, you wont get the sugar rush you were looking for but both of us know you better lay low with that at least for now, and also if I were you I would pass this message on to those around you because whats good for you is also good for their health, after all we are part of the greater human body, you might be the left arm I the right arm he the left leg she the right leg but hopefully we all share the same soul and heart, there is a truth to this you know. 
