BREAKING: FBI confirms Trump was struck by a bullet at rally shooting

Of course it was a bullet, they want him dead, they want him dead because like in past events in this case murdering Trump will galvanize enough people to believe Iran did it and we know mainstream media like Fox News will be one of the first who will go along with this lie with this conspiracy to have people their dumb viewers to go to war with Iran to please their Zionist dark overlords which Netanyahu is part of that cabal, it is ironic truly to see Trump invite his assassin Netanyahu to his house and praise him as some kind of hero, I am telling you all yes they want Trump dead but it is NOT Biden you dummies or the Dems, there is a dark cult within all sections of power whether it is in the Reps Dems and anyone else you can think of, we generally call these Zionists, they want Trump dead to have this war with Iran and its allies and friends, and who better to have killed other than Trump to gather enough dummies to finalize this dream of theirs, if I were Trump if Trump was smart which we know he is not because of his ego speaks for him, I wouldnt even run for office, I would hid someone where no one had access to me, because as a high profile Trump is, if he get assassinated it cant get more symbolic than that, the Zionists cannot assassinate Kamala and blame it on Iran, because for longest time the Zionists have made people believe Iran is supporting the Dems and Kamala, so the Zionist all of the sudden cannot turn around and say Iran assassinated Kamala, the Zionist have on the other hand prompted Trump up for people to believe Trump and the mollas are mortal enemies so the mollas are the perfect ones to blame this on and Trump took the bait and went to paint himself as the enemy of the mollas, he played into this himself because he is such a dummy, he made himself a target for the Zionists by the Zionists, so when the bullet missed his head, God prevented the Luciferian Zionists not to be able to have their satanic plans to go through, not because God loves Trump, because to prevent the Luciferians dark plans for mankind, thats what happened, but Trump is still such a dummy he cannot see it instead invited his mortal enemy the one who more than anyone wants him dead to his house, I can be wrong here I am not sure he could be smart to have his friends close but his enemies closer, one thing I can say, most of those Zionists who praises him for his stance against whatever are of those who wants him dead, again if I were Trump, I would make sure I lost this race and by that save his own life and have Kamala take over, because as I said, Trumps enemies are sitting next to him and the higher profile he gets the higher the chances are for him to take him out, but is he smart enough to see whats going on or will he let his ego be the end of him, all I can say I dont want the Luciferian Zionists to win in anything and that included to have Trump assassinated, so I say this with care from one man to another man, take my advice and make sure you lose this race, you will your life this way, its not that I dont want you to win, I dont, I dont because I dont want those around you to have the power to get us all in WW3 with the plans they are hatching at the same time I want you to live out your life like Biden is about to do in comfort in this late stage in your life, I hope you take on my advice brother Trump, I have said I do like you I am sure you would have been a good friend and as a long distance friend I have spoken from the heart to you, you are in danger those close to you want you gone brother, open your eyes, for your own good, turn to God the one and only God and repent and I hope He will have mercy on you, I have spoken as a friend.
