Congress APPLAUDS Bibi's Anti-American Address

Listen you can choose to believe in what I am about to say or dont I really dont care if you dont, but if you have followed my story you know what I am about to say here must be the truth, so here we go.
I do have more than good reasons to support Trump in this election but I chose not to and why is that, if I were selfish self serving driven by my own personal vendetta sure I would have gone to support the Trump campaign because we know he will squeeze the molla regime more than anyone, which I do want them to get for many many reasons, no one have stabbed me in the back as much as the Shia mollas have, one thing you all also should know, the molla agents here in Sweden are going around and talking shit behind my back, they are telling their shia folks here Amir is the enemy so on and so forth, trust me I know this very well, no Shia in this country likes me, I am their ISIL or even worse, thats what they are saying about me, sure there are a very few very small number of well informed Shias who know the story and whats going on, some have admitted that there is a powerful influential groups of them who have made this to smear me and destroy my life their life mission, so you need to understand I in turn hate these religious hypocrites, and I am sure this small number of Shia who know what the larger group is up to do not like me when I criticize their Shia believes but its too bad, I am just being honest about my own beliefs, I dont want to offend this small number of shias who are well informed of whats going on and who have told me this but a brother cannot change his beliefs when I am convinced of my own beliefs, its like sure there are many good Catholics too, but I dont believe there are three gods in one god, I am sorry, the good shias the good catholics or whatever, you believe in what you do and I do with mine, we can still be friends, but as we know there is a very evil and militant cult within all these religions which I can never get along with because they have declared war on me, this is the case with the mollas of Iran, its not just the mollas of Iran, there are Shias of all over the place, they hate me because I speak against them, they are of all nationalities, and I know they are directed from Iran, so if I were as I said selfish self serving looking for direct retribution yes I would have with the guy Trump to get back at the core of the shia mollas in Iran, but you didnt see me go that route, I chose Kamala and the Dems, which we know wont go as hard on the mollas as Trumps and his Zionists would do, look the Zionists behind Trump they would co after the mollas not for the good reasons, but for their own corrupt self serving reasons, sure I would have used them as a vessel to get back at the mollas but that wouldnt be right, I am not choosing one hyper corrupt criminals over the other, I am not doing that, I'll let my Lord get back at them and He will, I trust He will, the mollas are living on borrowed time anyway, why should I be a hypocrite and get my hands dirty when they are about to fall soon anyway, one other reason related to not being a hypocrite has to do with why I dont want the Zionists behind trump to get elected, I have said this before, I dont see war breaking out between Russia and Nato, instead I see Russia take the territories it have and it will end there, the is no risk of WW3 on that front so dont believe the hype you hear here and there, the threat of WW3 is between in the Middle East, and if Trump gets elected you are all in trouble, so I would rather see the people of lets say Iran people of Israel get their own issues with their leaders in order themselves, this will lead to not for a major war breaking out and drag the rest of the world in it, so the last thing you need right now are people like Netanyahu people behind Trump and other crazies, one thing is also for sure, have trust in the Iranian people, they will in time topple the mollas, there is a very strong silent movement in Iran ready to hit the mollas where it hurts most and finish them once and for all, in the last demonstrations the mollas were really for the first time scared that would be the straw for them, they had already packed their bags trust me when I say this, they thought this would be it, but it wasnt the time yet, they know the time for their departure is near and they know they have to flee so they are making themselves ready for it, and another thing is this, and trust me when I say this because I know this first hand, Putin is NOT popular in Iran, people hate him, I have not spoken with one who dont have strong feelings about this, nobody likes him, only the mollas do, so dont think Iran is on Putins side, they are not far from it, 90% of Iranians dislike the man, he is not seem positively by the Iranians, only the molla regime is with him, and when the mollas are gone, so will this charade end trust me on this.
I told you in the beginning of this, you can choose to believe in what I said here and if you dont I dont care, but this is the truth of the matter, I will support Kamala and so should you because the other side are nothing but lying hypocrites, sure if you are politically in the middle like me you dont have to agree with everything but know this, dont believe the hype, dont believe the lies the miss and disinformation the smears from the other side and you heard them yourself how they go after even women who cannot have children of their own to say they are lesser of a human being because according to them, these women are not capable to have real feelings, to feel empathy for others, I would argue its the exact opposite, a woman who want top have her own but cannot is more of a human then these critics, and if you are a real man, if you are a real family person, and did I say a real man not a manchild, you know what to do, what if your own mother could not have you, would this make her a lesser of a mother a lesser woman a lesser human being ? if this doesnt make your blood pressure rise I dont know what to tell you.

Stand against the Zionist movement, its inhuman, its evil, its anti Scripture.
