Flights at Beirut airport have been cancelled or delayed due to Israel-H...

This I want to say to my dear readers I am about to say this because I trust my readers are the best well informed ones out there and fairest of them all, to be well informed on how things are managed around the world and being the fairest of them all makes you see things a bit differently than those who dont want to know more because it might heart their tiny brains, on the other hand a well informed person his or her brain wants to take in more and more information because we know how fluid things are and the flow of information will never end neither shall out curiosity to follow the information wherever it takes us, in this stream of madness can only make sense if you want to make sense of it and in order to come to a solution how to go about this we need to be true to ourselves, and fair to all, so what does the facts tell us to make a fair assessment about this stream of information, I'll tell you what conclusion I have come to, I have come to the conclusion that there are no good guys in this stream of disinformation we are being bombarded with, lets talk about the conflict with Ukraine and Russia, what do we know about these leaders and the countries they rule over or govern over call it what you want, one thing is very clear, they are both corrupt to their core, can we agree on this much because I hope we can, and I hope we can agree on corruption never serve its people, so who falls victim first here, its the people as dumb or well informed as they are doesnt matter, people suffer first and the corrupt ones least of all, now knowing these corrupt leaders are actually not serving their people then why should we the well informed and we most fair of all, thats our goal isnt it ? to be the fairest of them all, why should be care for any of these corrupt ones who have caused all this misery for all not just their own people but for all everywhere, same goes for regimes like the molla ones in Iran in Iraq in Lebanon in Israel anywhere, we all know they are crooked as hell, we know they lie to their people, we know they steal from their own for their own benefit, we know they are dragging us all into something none of us are looking forward to, so why should we take either of their side, makes no good sense, my message is simple, there is a third option, I think we should go on our own way and depart from these corrupt ones, because look what both Zelenski and Putin and the Polish corrupt leaders to the leaders of the Baltic countries to leaders in the Middle East to you name it, what they have caused is for the ignorant foolish people of these country to hate each other, its one thing of corrupt leaders hate one another what does that have to do with the rest of us, if the Soviets were cruel to the Polish people, the Russians of today what do they have to do with what their totalitarian regime did 80 years ago, for the Polish people and the Baltic people to hate and I am talking about hate just like the Zionist Israelis and Arabs hate each other, all you see is hate everywhere by people who have no reason today to hate one another, specially for the Baltic people who were at war 80 years ago, ok I know things continued a few decades thereafter what I am saying it wasnt yesterday it want a year ago or a decade ago, you see when you for some reason do not want to let go of the past the past will come to follow you to haunt you till the day you die or you be the death of someone else and in a greater scale a full out war and on a even greater scale a world war all over again, a thing that shouldnt happen because we are supposed to be well informed of things now, it should be a thing of the past but the dummies many are their brains get overheated if they try to take in new information, information which can be lifesaving and life saving it can only be if you come to the conclusion that one is a fool if they believe everything the media puts out there for you to bait on, like whats going on with this Iron Dome rocket which landed where it was not supposed to land, and does it surprise you when you know Israel is in fact a military base a big one, and when you fire missiles over it some might just malfunction and land over the heads of those below, what is sinister is that those who fired it are trying to blame it on their adversaries to get your approval to drag you into a larger war which is what we call a false flag intentionally or not when that Iron Dome missile landed where it did but they are trying to use that to cause more chaos and look which leaders came out minutes later to push this conspiracy further, Trump as one of them, and this makes him a dangerous candidate, soon with the war with Ukraine and Russia cooling of, they need a newer hotter one to get going and quess where it will be, you guessed it right, Netanyahu will have this dream of his started which will drag many other countries in this mess, and now we are not talking about only two countries like Ukraine and Russia which much easier to have them calm down and do peace, with many other countries this task will be much much more difficult and if you think the war up there was difficult you can try to imagine what this one will look like, as I said, we dont have to take either of these regimes side, we can go the third option, we can criticize them all and rightly so because none of them are up to no good, we have to encourage their own people to also take the third option and do what they need to do to get their own affairs in order, we need to cheer them up, to show them there are more like them around to speak up together with them, there are more of us than the crazy ones, we are the majority.
