Fmr. Israeli PM on Weekend Rocket Strike and Rising Israel-Hezbollah Ten...

Iran did not shoot hundreds of ballistics at the Zionist entity, Iran fired at most a dozens of ballistics, and we saw exactly the number of ballistics fired at you over your sky, one can freeze the frames and count them one by one, we didnt see hundreds of ballistics glowing in the sky, we saw a dozen of missiles, if Iran had fired hundreds of ballistics your sky would have been lit up, and they also never sent hundreds of drones but a dozen or so there too, it was a symbolic statement for boths domestic audiences, no big deal happened there, dont make such a fuss about it, and over that dozens of old out of date ballistics you had to bring in five other countries to help you out, you couldnt even do that on your own because you are nothing but lying child killing cowards, thats all you can do on your own, you cant even deal with a few thousand Hamas, you have depleted your tanks and everything else and you act as if you can take on the hezbs too, you are a joke a no good child killers and you murdered those 12 Druze kids too you want to cast blame on the hezbs, go ahead attack them if you can, they kicked your ass in 2006 in 33 days, this time they will kick your ass in 3,3 days I bet, the fact still is you killed those 12 kids, you did ! the world is informed of it, they know whats goin on, they know you are a pussy without the US, you are a bully who can never end what you have started so you run to gang up on your opponents, we call someone you a pussy a worthless coward, you will go down in history as the worst people ever walked this planet, this is your fate your destiny end of chapter.
