Hello friends !

Yesterday I explained to you where some get their sharia laws from with in the many Islamic denominations I also explained to you where the Jews got their 600 Jewish sharia laws from and the Christians well sorry to say they have abandoned their sharia laws and adopted secular sharia and thats why in my view Christianity nowadays is declining to the point that it actually have any meaning to be a Christian other than in word alone, I can explain this very simply to you, a Christian today she goes half naked to the beach on saturday and on sunday she goes to church sing and dance, and those are the conservative Christians I am talking about, this is because they do not follow Jesus sharia or virgin Marys sharia, again only in word and that is at best, so this have caused the Christians to fall away and now considered fully secular, and here is the thing, adopting some secular ways is not all bad, in a multicultural society you need man made laws to some extent for all kinds of people to get alone and for things to function so that no one imposes their sharia upon others with other faiths and ways of life so there is a need of some common laws, but in a real fair society the laws has to be flexible, like imposing a strict secular laws on others will eventually cause huge divisions which leads to all kinds of problems and extremism within all groups, let me explain, I do personally want certain sharia laws from all Abrahamic faiths to have a place in our secular system, like the Law should allow a person to choose if he or she wants to be tried under the sharia they want, lets say you are a Muslim, we like the Jews and others we have our ways to deal with lets say when it comes to divorces, so if a Muslim husband and wife now chose to enter sharia court to deal with their divorce the secular law should allow them to do so if they now choose to, and if one of the party do not then they both should be judged under the greater secular laws, so these choices should be up top the parties themselves again if they now choose to, look I am not going to write a whole book and go in all the aspects of every single laws under all sharias but I think this is something that should be looked into, this would be fair to all minorities because after all soon we all are minorities who will be forced to live in harmony with each other, they have this system in Iran where the Jews and Christians are in minority and they under law can enjoy their own sharia, but again Iran does not have completely a fair system not for their own Muslim population and for anyone else who are forced to follow molla laws but the minorities they have more religiously speaking more right than minorities in other western secular countries, I think if we mix all the good laws both secular and religious we will solve many of our problems, problems which is causing many headaches right now, lets talk about the abortion in the US its big deal for some, I dont believe it should be banned but regulated, I believe up to three months gives the woman the mother more than enough time to decide to keep the soon becoming baby or not, after that she is carrying a living human being regardless if this human being is inside her belly or on her back, its till a human being regardless where she is carrying the baby, you cant just kill a living being just because its inside your body, again up to three months is reasonable, but go on to say abortion at any level should be banned nationwide, now you want to impose your sharia upon others who do not share your beliefs, I think these are the things you all be forced to look into the more mixed societies become, so why not start the debate sooner so you have a head start with solution in place when you need it. 
