Iran's economic hardship: President elect Pezeshkian faces uphill battle

There is a reason why the Iranian Rial is the weakest in the world, actually Nr1, imagine that at the absolute bottom of all currencies in the entire world, the reason is NOT only the sanctions, there are many other countries who are not sanctioned do not have oil and gas with less population yet their economy is way stronger, again Iran is at the absolute bottom of that list, the major reason is molla corruption, please dont blame it on the sanctions as if it is the primary reason, when Iran was less sanctioned and sold more oil it was just as bad, its always bad, this is because the mollas keep printing money, I have told you we have three designs of one and the same paper money with the same numbers on it, the 200 000 Rial bill there are three different designs, a not a dumb person would have printed the same design when they are about to print more of the same bill but not in Iran, every five years or so they keep printing another design as if they lost the templets of the old design so they make a new one and print loads of the new design, you dont see a thing like that anywhere in the world, but all that aside, the mollas are mismanaging the economy, it doesnt matter if all the sanctions get lifted tomorrow, the Iranian people would never see a penny of it, all of it will go to the fascist cult who run the show there, and some to their cult followers, but I dont even think that to be honest, so it is better for the molla regime to stay sanctioned so that the oil underground doesnt get wasted, let the oil stay there till the mollas with Gods help are sent to hell where they belong, they must remain sanctioned, oil sanctions that is, and also molla controlled companies in fact anything connected to the mollas must be sanctioned, the truth of the matter remains, as long as the mollas are still there nothing ever will get improved for the Iranian people, many of you people cannot imagine how much the Iranian people despises these molla, did you guys know that the friday molla not a very important one just your local friday molla his salary is over five times higher than a government employee, we are not talking 10-20% but over five time and these are the low level mollas the higher up are filthy rich rats the real big rats are billionaires, and what do you think these low level friday mollas do, nothing but get to the local mosque once a week talk for nonsense for thirty minutes and leave as quickly as they rushed in, one time I went to talk to the molla to ask a couple of question, the first times I swear to God the molla after spewing nonsense for twenty minutes he ran out so quickly the old man without looking back I couldnt run to him to ask my question, next time I got hold of him and asked him, when did Adam and Hawa walk this planet, the answer was, I cannot answer this question, but it is not important, then I asked him what is important, he replied, the issues around the Masumin, this refers to the blood family of Prophet Mohammad, the word masumin means the innocent, I asked again, you have no idea when Adam walked the earth because in my view this is very important question because if it was just a few thousands of years ago this means it wasnt that long back in time this could also mean the end of us is just around the corner, this means the story of our species is a very short one and if people were aware of this perhaps people would prioritized their lives more carefully, then he looked at me like get lost now I dont want to talk to you, as if I had offended him somehow, at that time I felt sorry for all those who went to that mosque wasted their time to listen to this monkey, and he is paid handsomely to waste peoples lives this, I truly thought about all those who were there felt bad for them, because I knew they were good people but have no other choice to sit there and listen to this moron who doesnt know anything about anything and he is the one they look up to for guidance, the whole country is lost the whole country is mislead mismanaged by these mollas these greedy corrupt fascists, may they all go to hell God willing. 
