Israel ASSASSINATES Top Hezbollah, Hamas Officials

I think Netanyahu and his crazies are doing everything they can to sabotage the Harris presidential campaign with stability in the region instead as usual do their out most to create chaos in hope of Trump gets in and I can promise you all, dont buy into Trumps pro peace rhetorics, if Trump gets in in weeks after you will have WW3, this has always been a dream scenario of the Zionists, these Synagog of Satan speak of peace when in reality they seek war.
I also think when Iran for different reasons only sent a dozen ballistics and a couple drones towards the Zionist entity Iran signaled their cowardness and this now emboldened the Zionist regime to hit them back on Iranian soil, I can already judging from past history tell you what will happen, Iran and its proxies will fire off a handful of whatever towards the Zionist entity and it will end there again, I dont even think Iran will fire off any ballistics or anything like that, or maybe they will for the sake of good tv, but I do believe we are heading towards WW3, it will be between the Zionist entity and the mollas and her proxies now when that will happen, I give it a couple of months, the chance of that happening is much greater if Trump gets in something they want, so if you are longing for WW3 vote Trump and if you want to buy some more time vote Harris, either way you are screwed.
