Israel is ‘paying the steep price’ for America’s loss of deterrence: Mar...

You call the death of ten teenagers a national tragedy, what do you think the rest of the world which exist outside your Zionist bubble call the slaughter of  20 000 children in Gaza alone ? and its laughable to say Trump speaks the language of the region and that he understands the situation there, I bet Trump doesnt know the names of the capitals in the region let alone anything else from that part or any part of the world, Trump is the least educated the dumbest the least intelligent president in US history, a real low IQ individual, I am being honest about it because we all know, if you are an intelligent person you dont complain how low IQ other people are if you are secure with your own intelligence, Trump is not an intellectual not intelligent he is just an average person with a good instinct for how to look and sound on tv thats all he got for himself, look the mess he have created in the Middle East with this phony peace accord which was thought of and designed by Netanyahu and not by Trump himself, if you all recall when Netanyahu come out publicly and took credit for it Trump called him a son of a bitch, because it was not Trumps idea but Netanyahus plan, Natanyahu only allowed Trump during his presidency to take credit for it so that he could be tricked into do more of that madmans destructive agenda in the Middle East by like whacking Soleymani which Trump took the bait of, now these same Zionists tried to have Trump assassinated to blame Iran because what other better patsy to blame when people think Iran is out to get Trump, Trump is such a low IQ individual it has never been seen before in a president, truly Trump must be the dumbest son of bitch ever run for office, the positive thing here is, for his own good he is not going to win this because if he did, he would put a target on his back by people likes of Netanyahu who would like to see him get assassinated so they could use the moment they all have been waiting for to drag the US into another mess in the Middle East while Israeli armed forces and personnel watch it from the sideline, the only smart person here is Netanyahu but he is sinister and evil too a genocidal maniac, I predict before he dies he will drag the whole world into chaos and by that be the end of the Zionist entity altogether, he will make sure the fall of this military outpost called Israel and it wont come to look pretty for those living there, thats what I think will come to with this crazy lunatic and people like him.
And this so called peace accord, the only thing these dummies managed to do is to anger every single of the inhabitants of those countries against their own corrupt regimes which will eventually also cause the fall of the Zionist entity, if you call that smarts you also are one dumb son of a bitch.
