Israel responds after Hezbollah's deadliest attack since Oct 7

This is of course tragic, but have you ever see Foxnews even once report on the over 40 000 murdered Palestinian children the past 9 months or ever, you havent and you never will, because its not about human lives as these phony conservatives makes it to sound, its politics, a billion Palestinians Lebanese children can get burnt up alive and they wouldnt even turn their cameras around to capture the footages but when something happens to the Zionist Israeli children who are taught to laughter Palestinian children in their schools, sing about it make songs about genocide then you have Foxnews Donald Trump there to shed their crocodile tears, this is reality for you folks, look I am not saying the mollas or the Party of Satan hezbola are good, what I am saying is, without the Zionist entity the shia mollas in Iran and Lebanon and Iraq wouldnt have anything to stand on, no reason to exist, same 110% valid argument can be said about Foxnews about the Zionist entity people like Shaytanyaboo and Donald Trump and its not with the right, same thing can be said about some liberals and those hypocrites at the center too, what I am saying is, Satan doesnt discriminate they all are doing his work for him, so it doesnt matter you are a hypocrite if you stand with one over the other, there is a third option, and it doesnt include either of these two.
