Israeli ministers expelled from occupied Golan Heights amid blame for ro...

As said the Zionist regime is blaming hezbola for this missile which cause the death of these Arab kids while the Druze elders blame the Israeli Iron Dome missile for killing of their children, on 0:50 you can see previous Iron Dome missile hitting their neighborhood, but if you watch the Zionist controlled media you will think the Druze are thankful for the IDF and the Zionist regime and seek revenge on hezbola which is not the case, the contrary is true, dont believe the propaganda they are feeding you.
Look I hate to look like I am defending the hezbola criminal cult, I do this first of all for the sake of the truth, second of all, how evil do you have to be as these Zionists are when your missiles was the one who killed these kids then go on to rally the world behind you to drag them into a major war in the Middle East, only the Synagog of Satan would and is doing it all over again, and may God forbid cause the death of millions again, these people are the definition of absolute evil, its not just Netanyahu there are thousands of Netanyahus everywhere seeking to get WW3 going.
