Kamala Harris’ husband’s ex-wife comes to her defense amid ‘childless’ a...

I want people to understand whats at stake here and what kind of indecent people we are dealing with here, think about it, when you have a bunch of manchilds like JD Vance and so many other Project 2025 people who are not even smart enough to keep their true self hidden by not openly and proudly attack a woman who cannot have children of her own to say because of this she is not capable to have feelings, feelings to lead a nation is the lowest kind of people there has to be around, think about it, if they say this openly what more could they say to what lows could they sink I say, I dont need to see or hear more, they have expressed themselves clearly of what dark hearts they harbor, these people are NOT fit to hold public office, they are the extremists of the extremists, I would also say if anyone is able to express kind feelings towards others it has to be someone who cannot have children of their own, its the opposite of what JD Vance and his lunatic allies say, it is different if a woman do not want her own children and a woman who cannot for whatever reason, today I say, WE ARE ALL KAMALS ADOPTIVE CHILDREN and we will fight for her, she will have hundreds of adoptive children, more than she can handle :)
I also want to apologize to her deeply for my bad memory, I had forgot she was one the first elected official who stood with the progressives on different issues when it was unpopular to do so, I should have remembered it before I said things about her, in my defence, I didnt say anything personal, I wanted the best the strongest candidate to win, its like having the choice between three good runners, all three are excellent runners almost just as good, we wanted the absolute best and strongest, now it the majority chose Kamala to be the front runner, now Kamala is clearly by the choice of many been chosen as the front runner, today she is our girl to bring home the cup, we will do everything to make sure our girl is victorious, from now on her millions of children will send the flash of lighting to take her over the finish line and have this settled once and for all, she must win !!! 
