Khomeini disrespect Imam Mahdi

What he said there is NOT fake, I have seen the video of him saying that, its real folks, this is Shiaism for you, the Shia mollas are followers of Eblis make no mistake over it and if you follow the mollas you are also one of those who in reality follow Satan. 
But forget about all that for a moment instead think about what the significance is with Khomeinis statement, we all know the job of the Mahdi is to restore order to the whole world, so nothing else is more important than this, Muslims understand this, the world Muslim means one who obey God, so there are Jewish Muslims Christian Muslims if they follow the one and true God, and others too, so thats what the word means, this faith is the oldest faith because all the way back to Prophet Adam he was one of the ones who obeyed God making him a Muslim in the Arabic language, back to my point, what this cursed man Khomeini is saying in his own words is that what he has established this unislamic republic of a shia cult in Iran is of a more importance than what the Mahdi will do, the arrogance of this shia cursed man is off the charts, its not one off statement of his, I will little by little post some of his heretic statements so you get a better understanding what this satanic shia molla regime in Iran in Iraq in Lebanon and elsewhere really stand for.
I have also talked about how this cursed rat died in his bed, its also on video I have seen it, it is said right before we die angels of death come to collect your soul, it is also said if you have been a good person they will look gentle you wont be scared by seeing them, in the case of this cursed shia cult leader a few moments before he passed away you should seen the look on his face, if I remember correctly it took something around a minute or even two or even three minutes of Khomeini looking absolutely terrified as if was seeing something out of his worst nightmares, and here is another thing, the man was basically in coma for some time, I dont know for how long frankly but from what we know it must have been weeks, a few weeks at least without him moving, then all of the sudden he tried to from a lying position in his bed he tried to sit up but couldnt oc course because he was weak then for a couple of minutes he had that terrifying look on his ugly face he was trying to say something I didnt understand in the video then passed away, a Believer would interpret this as those who came to collect his soul couldnt have been of the kinder manner, on the contrary, so I want you to know this fact about this cursed man Khomeini, you now have heard the arrogance of this rat who is considered the 13 Imam for the shias yourselves and what he said here. 
Look if you are not a Muslim but lets say a Jew or a Christian a traditional one you would say, so what what he said no big deal, but if you were a Jew lets say and one of your rabbis would say what he have done with regards to anything important that what he did is more important the Jewish messiah or if you are a Christian and you have one of your respected preacher men say what he did is more important what Jesus will do in the future, what would you say, ok I think you understand a little bit better now I hope, but the different thing here is, the Shias basically worship this man as their savior, he this is also on video, he at one time at least actually compared himself to God the Creator as equal in importance, not kidding I'll post that one too, again for you Shias out there, you are misguided and if you follow this man I hope you all follow him in Hell, you wanna beat yourself anually over what happened 1400 years ago fine beat yourselves senseless will you have nothing else in you but if you follow this man, then I do hope you all follow where he is been sent to, and also, if you follow any of your supreme leaders in Iran in Iraq in Lebanon rest assured your dear leaders are his aprintaces that makes you theirs and you will share the same hellhole too.  
