Name-Calling An Effective Political Strategy? | The View

I have known a handful of people who doesnt or I have not seen laugh, they do make jokes I seen them do that but never laughed even at their own jokes, they all were extremely self oriented, always spoke about themselves, I mean non stop, everything was about them, they rarely or actually ever spoke well about anyone else and if they did they did in a crowd for their own benefit not really to praise the person, something else about these people sure they are able to show kindness but the little kindness they show they value as if they have done the world for you, and when they did something nice for you I noticed they deep inside felt somehow they were not true to themselves as if they had burdened themselves by being kind or did something nice for you, something bothered them, I think they are very calculated people, every little act counts for them and they always want to be on the plus side like you do them a couple of favors then they feel like they have to do you one in return and as I said when they do something in return they value it at the highest regards as if they have lifted this weight of their troubled shoulders by being nice back for once, and may God forbid if you just do something they happen not to like for some reason, then you become their enemy and they will do anything to get back at you often times behind your back, what I also noticed is they dont respect women and when they act as if they do, they do it to get under their pants and great manipulators they are trust me they say all the things women like to hear and women always fall for that, always, and thats why I think they dont respect women because they see them as fools and got fooled by them, I think I am describing a sociopath, I have known a few, there are more of them than you think, another thing they all have had incommon is their upbringing, one of those I knew once said to me, he will make sure his own son never ever trust anyone, I had to correct him and said, you are closing in your son from rest of the world if you do that. 
