Nikki Haley Goes After 'Haley Voters for Harris' PAC

I also think there will be many former Trump supporters who will this time vote for the better choice Kamala Harris for variety of reasons, one is look if you watch one of Trumps rally performances its like you have watched them all, he reads from the same old script the same fear mongering the same old lies and after time peoples intelligence gets offended and I am sure not all of those Trumpers are easily fooled or like to be offended right in their faces by hearing lies over and over again, a few will jump ship and leave like these Haley voters and it start to have an effect on Trump right now we can see in his face he is no longer sure he is going to win, the doubt is starting to settle in him, and I bet you all this will show more and more in him till the day after the votes have been counted when he find out he have lost the race this time too, he is already signaling he will claim there has been "cheating" this time around too, because he is such a loser, I think with the victory of Kamala America have bought herself more time to restore order within itself then at other places too, but you know as long as Trump is around he will be a force of chaos but thats for later first we need four years of Kamala then another four years thats eight years then we will deal with whatever comes next, but first we have to win this race so make sure you and your family all together go to support Kamala Harris, in the next race if you can get a nice polite conservative with a sound mind you can support that person but right now the Reps have two lunatics representing them therefore the choice is in my view very clear, its not about about one party over the other, this time its about voting supporting the better person the much better candidate and that person is clearly hands down Kamala Harris.
