Retired colonel says killing of Hamas political leader in Iran could res...

My condolences, this could only happen with the blessing of very important people from inside Iran make no mistake over this, people high up were paid and gave their blessings and also for other reasons I dont think it just had to do with payments because I dont think those guys are in need of money, Esmail should never had left Qatar, here is a good piece of advice for leaders, if you fill your belly even with one cent of corrupt money God is coming for you, let me explain the future and how things are going to look like after you all have offended the Lord, when you have criminal groups like those disbelievers who used the Title of Prophet Jacob (Israel) to hide behind and create this unholy entity in 1948 you have offended the Creator, when you use (any) tiles of the Lord and create a corrupt organization like hezbolla like Ansarullah like the "Islamic" Republic of Iran so on and so forth you have directly offended the Lord, let me ask you this, did you ask the Lord before you used any of His titles before you created these organizations ? did you get His approval ?? of course you didnt, it like you go to a bank with a falsified  signature on a check, you go to prison if you did, its called forgery, but you are so outrageously bold and falsify the title of God here and you thought you would go unpunished ?? haaa think again, God will take you all down, both the Zionists and its enemies like what you see here, look only a primitive mind would disagree with me here, like what I said or not I dont care what you think of me, but I am telling you the truth here, look at me both the Mossad the mollas you name it they all wanted and tried to have me whacked, and I am still here and doing just fine, baby, why is that you say, because I am not a hypocrite like you are, I unlike you, because I unlike you an most thankful when God punishes me for my wrong doings and instead of questioning it, I thank Him instead, I think this is the difference between you and I, I think this is why He is keeping me around to tell you these things which you dont like to hear, now feel free to hate me more, it will lead to your downfall sooner than you thought, listen I am not doing this about me I am telling you how things are and if you are smart you pay attention and do as I say.
