S11 E18: The West Bank, JD Vance & Kamala Harris: 7/28/24: Last Week Ton...

What John forgot to mention here is, you can convert to Judaism as a Chinese person as a black person as an Indian as a Latin go down there and the Zionist regime will give you a piece of land to occupy, it rather helps more if you are a white person, that would speed up the paperwork, if you are not a while person from Poland Ukraine Russia and so on you have to serve in the Israeli military for a couple years kill a number of Palestinians to prove your loyalty to the Synagog of Satan then you get a piece of land there to occupy, this is in short the backstory of the Ashkenazism, they originated from north Caucasus, converted to Judaism migrated to Russia Ukraine Poland and further westward to Germany UK later to the US and after WW2 they targeted the Holy Land of all places to occupy.
