SHOCK POLL: Kamala TIES Trump As Favorability SKYROCKETS

Couple of things Kamala need to do to look stronger more resolute like a warrior queen, she need to look more serious a little bit angry like she wants to physically beat your ass, thats the look we want to see in her face like there is a war going on and the outcome of that war depends on her and how well she does, she also need to counter attack on the debate stage as soon as has been accused of something, she must not wait and reflect on the accusations she need attack right back with better arguments why her opponent is lying about her and when she walks she need to walk like she is lifting a refrigerator like she owns the place and when she sits down she need to manspread her legs and chew tobacco that will go a long way with the young people,and with younger people I mean people around fourth because look where we have to come to, to call a sixty year old candidate a young person, no offence but here in Europe we have twenty year olds elected in the parliaments and stuff but thats a side point, if she do all that and if she doesnt shave under her arms then she definitely will win this thing I am sure of it, Kamala need to look tough, she need to look like a warrior queen, I heard from sources queen Elizabeth of UK she was so hard core she didnt shave anywhere at all from her inauguration but nothing comes even close to Persian queen, they are born with mustaches and heavy duty beards, you dont believe me, I'll post a picture right after this dont go anywhere.  
