'WORSE THAN A SERIAL KILLER': Cenk Uygur EXPLODES On Netanyahu's Speech!

Kyle is raising all the right question and bravely so but how to go about and implement all these things the way to go about it I see Cenk showing the way because this is not a perfect world, there are less of us than ignorant misinformed people out there so many that they are being taken advantage of by smarter and highly corrupted people, and for Kamala to respond to the idiots who burned the flag was not a smart thing to do, why give any response to their allegations and draw the attention they seek over it instead of drawing attention to their own flawed characters, I am not saying either of these are better but what is better, to try to invade the capitol, to threaten people to death, to poop and urinate in the halls of the senate and take pictures of it proudly, how can you compare the characters of those who demonstrate over the genocide murdering of tens of thousands of children and those who take a shit in the halls of senate ? I mean c mon now, another thing, in any demonstrations you never know what kind of infiltrators who are amongst you, but the media loves to concentrate on what a handful of bad actors do and disregard the 99% of the others who are there for the good reasons, and Kamala with her respond just gave more fuel to this 1% of the uglies, she should in the future just ignore them and dont respond at all, because whatever she does but more so if she responds it only give more air to those who wants to see her defeated, but overall I agree with Cenk, there is a right and a wrong way of going about these things but the questions Kyle raised are all valid questions because we need that kind of fury and anger from Kyles side, its the core of it, outrage !!
