Alex Jones RAGES That Dems Will ‘PUT US IN CAMPS’ | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Thats what they take to at every election with going totally nuts and their fear porn mongering, this is nothing just wait till a few days or weeks just before the election comes then you will hear the craziest things coming out of them, another thing I have notices is a few weeks back at Tim Walz rally someone in the crowd fell sick and Tim noticed it, he paused the rally for ten or so minutes for the person to get the help he or she needed, very nice of him, then from a week back Trump copied Tim with crisis actors falling sick and Trump also just like Tim pauses his show at the rallies and I said rallies because at every of his rallies since then someone for some reason has to fall sick and Trump rushing to their aid and save them save their lives, Trump is such a funny man these days lol this is what I am saying these people take to any measures to sell their brand in the case of Alex Jones and his fear porn to Trump as this hero rushing to save peoples lives at rallies, look as I said this is just the beginning just wait till the week before the elections and see for yourselves the the act they will put on show, its gonna be fun. 
