BOMBSHELL: Iran SHOCKS The World With New Proposal | The Kyle Kulinski Show

You got it backwards Kyle and many others too, I said from day one the mollas will not hit back like they never hit back a few months ago with the "300" ballistics and drones, it was all for the show back then because backdoor deals were made, then the mollas killed president Raisi because he was actually a kind of loyal patriot to Iran, so the mollas had to whack him, the the mollas never allowed Ahmadinejad to run for office because he would have won and Ahmadinejad is not in good terms with the Supreme Molla of Iran because Ahmadinejad had threatened to expose the whole molla scam, because of this the mollas tried to assassinate Ahmadinejad last time was a month ago, these stuff never gets reported in western media just so you understand, the reason the mollas never allowed Ahmadinejad to run is because they arranged so Pezeshkian would win because he is a kind of obedient puppet Irans Supreme mollas needed, Pezeshkian said last week that the Supreme Molla appointed his ministers and president Pezeshkian had nothing to say about this, then Pezeshkian a week later corrected his statement by saying he was allowed to appoint (some) ministerial posts, the mollas assassinated Haniyeh as a sacrificial offering to show of good will to outsiders on the day Pezeshkian got into office very symbolically, like you sacrifice a lamb, so the bottom line is this, the mollas picked Pezeshkian because they know he is loyal and have no ambitions of his own, the man is walking talking puppet everyone knows that, then the mollas killed a Palestinian high ranking official to further prove their willingness to negotiate and thats what they are a month later saying now, many naive people think the mollas would sacrifice their livelihood for the Palestinians you are gravely mistaken not only that they also in broad daylight sacrificed Haniyeh to show they are serious about talking, so I was proven to be right when all these naive commentators said Iran will attack the Zionist entity any day so on and so forth, these people have no clue what they are talking about like Kyle on matters regarding the Middle East, these people know nothing of whats going on, only empty talk, I am again telling you, there will be no one except God coming to the rescue of the Palestinians, no one else, and if you ask me I will say and this is my opinion, the Palestinians and all these foolish ignorant naive faithless pro Palestinians and Anti Zionists, God will come to your rescue when you got some of what I just said here right, you are aiding the enemies of the Palestinians with the mollas and you think you are doing the right thing and no one else is right but what you already are doing, you are wrong, you have always been wrong, your intentions are right but thats about it, everything else you are doing wrong, supporting the wrong people, because you think you know your faiths but I dont mean to offend you, but even on that you are wrong, you are supporting the wrong people !
