Candace Owens Shocking Comments On Israel Prompt Calls To Censor Her!

During the Shahs time in Iran and many older generation Iranians are aware of it or heard it not so much the younger ones but during his time many children were disappearing in Iran, it was becoming a really big deal because the authorities couldnt give a satisfactory explanation to why so many kids are disappearing then some the rumors started to spread that it was the Jews behind it, and people need to know, Iranians are not anti Jews or anything but nevertheless this was the rumors, the Shah was getting pressured to do something about it and what many said is that the Shah knew who was behind this disappearing of the children but didnt do anything directly or thats what it looked like, but from what we know is that from that time the Shah started to a little bit anti Jewish so he made some statements about the Jews about certain things, and what some say is that the Shah felt like he need to do something openly about this and thats why the Zionists overthrew him with the friendlier mollas because there is a shit load of pedophilia going on in the molla cult not only with child molestiation but things like homosexuality too, I have told you the mollas are like a closed off secret society like in Vatican which the Shia mollas are very close and friendly with for some reason, in daytime they wear their phony religious outfits and at night they have their secret parties under the Vatican like the mollas do the exact same thing, exact same thing, I have seen it with my own eyes, its all true, but back to the question, what some say is this is why the Shah got overthrown because he was going to do something about this disappearing of children in Iran and the rumors of the Jews being behind it, back then people didnt knew or heard of secret societies like we do today, 99% of people didnt knew the difference between the torah Jews and the phony Jews, they just knew Jews and thats it, the reason I am sharing this story here is because this exact same things happened in Iran back then.
As Candace and many other others are saying whether you are a God fearing Catholic God fearing Protestant a God fearing Jew or Muslim, we need to stop wasting time and unite against this Evil which have infiltrated all aspects of our societies and lives and these are the luciferians which they are who have messed up the whole planet, the Synagog of Satan from the tribe of Gog and Magog, those who pretend to be Jews but are not, this is a real actual problem we all face, they and their minions are everywhere, one can only trust those who speak openly about this or the risk is they are one of them, the ones you can truly trust is again those who openly raise up these questions because other people might just be have been compromised by these Luciferians in one way or another more or less, and anyone who tell you this is conspiracy theories or minimize this issues are themselves full of shit, this is in fact a conspiracy fact, no theories but facts, this is real folks you better believe it, another thing you should question is this, why do you think there is a 110% blackout on satanic ritual murders all around the world, as if it never happens, as if just doesnt exist, because tell me last time you heard of this news, never you will never hear it because there is an agreement with all media never ever to report on satanic ritual murders, they will report on everything else but not this issue as again it doesnt exist, as if it just doesnt exist, haaa, I am tell you folks this shit goes deep, and all in the media have their handlers to ensure it never ever gets reported on, it goes deeper than that, they have their people in the law enforcement to also ensure to everytime satanic ritual murders accrues it gets titled as some other type of crime, so there are many layers of censorship we have because all these institutions have their Luciferians in charge of, again you better believe what I said here is true, and its going on in every single country, dont think for a second your dear leader your dear president or whatever that they are blameless, you are a naive fool if you think the presidents you adore for being these God fearing moral individuals are blameless, these presidents and leaders they all know what is going on and doing absolutely nothing about it, they let it slide because they want nothing to do with it so they look the other way and let this kind of crap continue, the old Shah from what we know he wanted to do something about it and look what happened to him, ended up as a refugee and died in foreign lands, dont be naive folks, your leaders are all to up to no good, the only good guys are again those who shed light upon these subjects and not even all those who shed light on these subjects, there are some famous out there who are also doing this for other reasons, for selfish reasons, to boost their own ego otherwise they wouldnt give a damn, not when it comes down to it they wouldnt, talk is all they do.  
