Dr. Gilbert Doctorow: Putin Calm and Patient

I agree not all of the Judges commentators have the tools to analyze whats going on especially with regards to the Middle East, one of these are Pepe Escobar in my opinion, I would say he is the least ranked on the Judges commentators on this show when it comes to matters in the Middle East, Pepe is way of course on the Middle East, I am not going too much into details why Pepe is drifting and being used as a useful you know what but I am going to explain why if you now feel you have to share your half baked analysis on the Middle East, Zionism, Iran and both of these proxies you need to to possess the tool of what has to do with faith in God, to be able to read between the lines of all these scriptures all these faith matters from all these groups they follow or pretend to follow, their true history lines who they are where they came from where they popped up what they want, who they are taking their orders from and where do they want all to be led to, if you have the tool the knowledge (and) this is important, where you want things to get to depending on your character things like if you can accept full corruption medium size corruption or just live with any amount of corruption because lets be honest the vast majority of you out there are willing to live with some kind of corruption even if you had the choice to eliminate it most of you would live with a certain amount of it again it depends on your character, taking everything I have said here in consideration will determine the outcome of your analysis, and the degree of your intentions will also determine how accurate your analysis will be, because lets be honest here, there is only One who will lead the outcome as He pleases and thats not you or I, we have a pretty good idea how it will end or go but the journey there thats what all of you and the Judges analytics are sharing their ideas on, and as we have or I have notices Pepe he is way too off, I believe he is being used, I am not saying he is a bad guys or anything just saying I dont know the guy I know him from what he is saying and said before on matters and sure he is anti Zionist which puts him in the category of the good guys because who likes a Zionist right ? thats what I am talking about :) nobody like Zionism and those who still cover for them they will come around and realize it was a big mistake supporting crazy and evil and holocaust and genocide and apartheid and everything that is not  good, ok back to what I was talking about I think I drifted a little bit again myself, as I was saying, Zionism is pure sheer EVIL !!! crap I drifted again, but its ok to drift like that because at least you havent drifted too far from the subject matter which is, Zionism is absolute EVIL !!! :) 
Great show Judge !
