Evidence Of ALIENS Exists And The Government IS LYING: NewsNation SPECIA...

Here is my take on it, these extraterrestrials there is no disagreement they are super advance to get all the way over here to this planet, they know how to keep out of sight, I mean there could one spaceship right above my house without me knowing it, I believe they have this tech, so they are powerful no doubt, and again this is my belief, if one of their smaller spaceships could for some reason crash with aliens in it, I cant imagine his buddies wouldnt come to the rescue in matter of seconds to pick them up and the spaceship instead risking for us to get our hands on all of it, or lets say even if we got hold of one or two of their buddies dead or alive dont you think they would have made it clear to hand it over quickly or else, sure they would, we would and they are many times more capable than us glorified monkeys so sure of course they would, who wouldnt, so on the question of is there any government in hold of these ships or even aliens I dont think so, of course I could be wrong but I dont think so, these aliens have been here before we came a few thousands of years ago, 7-8000 years whatever it is doesnt matter it wasnt that long ago, so they have been here since then and they all know how to keep away, I think I told what happened when I was in the middle of the Pacific, a green light went right by under my boat two three times the speed of my boat, it was almost dusk and my boat wasnt a big one I sat close to the water and I saw clearly it went past me, at first I thought could it be a submarine that was my first thought, second thought was, damn that thing was close, I thought what if it had hit me, third thought was it couldnt be a submarine why the green light then, forth thought was I didnt feel wakes from it or anything so that was also strange my fifth thought was, I guess I am not alone out there either, whatever that thing was I dont know but it was strange and the thing is it went more on my starboard side and it wasnt big as a submarine, its hard to say but the way I perceived it want much larger my boat in length, I saw a few objects I cant explain, at one time on the east coast of the US I saw a huge lighting ball like a sun not that bright because I could look right at it and I was staring at it for a minimum of ten fifteen minutes, the thing was huge, perhaps five hundred meters in diameter a few km away, another time I saw cylindered object dive from sky right in front of my sight perhaps 150 meters away from me at high speed without making a sound or a splash, as soon as I saw it dive in the water before me my first thought was not what it was or anything my first thought was, where is the splash, no splash no sound, yes there are things out there not human made, believe it or not its out there. 
